TITLE Statement: Windows

prints up to ten title lines for SAS output.

Valid in: anywhere in a SAS program
Windows specifics: Maximum length of the title
See: TITLE Statement in SAS Statements: Reference


TITLE <n> <'text' | "text">;

Optional Arguments


specifies the relative line that contains the title line.

'text' | “text

specifies text that is enclosed in single or double quotation marks.


The TITLE statement prints up to ten title lines on procedure output files and other SAS output. A TITLE statement takes effect when the DATA or PROC step or RUN group with which it is associated executes. Once you specify a title for a line, it is used for all subsequent output until you cancel the title or define another title for that line.
Under Windows, the maximum title length is 256 characters. If the specified title is greater than the LINESIZE system option, the title is truncated to the line size.