the Search programs and files dialog box
and click OK.
yourfunction("type_of_event", "text_string");
Type of
First Parameter
Success Audit
Failure Audit
%macro pdata(file); %let cmdstr = "dir &file"; options noxwait; data _null_; call system(&cmdstr); run; %put &sysrc = sysrc; %put &file; %if &sysrc=0 %then %do; filename indata "&file"; /* Your data step code for this file. */ DATA a; infile indata length=linelen; length line $ 200; input @1 line $ varying200. linelen; PROC print; run; %end; %else %do; /* Log an Event of type Error. */ %let cmdstr = %str("The file &file did not exist so no data step ran."); %put &cmdstr; DATA _null_; x=ntlog("INFORMATION",&cmdstr); run; %end; %mend; %pdata(c:\config.syss)
/* Build a frame and add a pushbutton. Change the Attribute Name “name” to “object1”. In the Source window, add the following code. */ object1: x=ntlog("INFORMATION", "This is an INFORMATION event."); x=ntlog("WARNING", "This is a WARNING event."); x=ntlog("ERROR", "This is an ERROR event."); x=ntlog("SUCCESSAUDIT", "This is a SUCCESSAUDIT event."); x=ntlog("FAILUREAUDIT", "This is a FAILUREAUDIT event."); return;
%macro pdata(file); %local cmdstr; %let cmdstr = "dir &file"; options noxwait; DATA _null_; call system(&cmdstr); run; %if &sysrc=0 %then %do; filename indata "&file"; /* Your data step code for this file. */ DATA a; infile indata length=linelen; length line $ 200; input @1 line $ varying200. linelen; PROC print; run; %end; %else %do; /* Log an Event of type Error. */ %let cmdstr = %bquote(c:\support\sasset2\logevent.exe -s E "The file &file did not exist so no data step ran."); DATA _null_; %sysexec &cmdstr; run; %end; %mend; %pdata(c:\config.syss)