Properties for Controlling a SAS Automation Object

Specifies various properties of the SAS automation object.


Properties and Descriptions

The following properties apply to SAS automation objects:
indicates whether SAS is idle or working (for example, running a procedure, DATA step, and so on). This property is Read-Only.
sets the window (based on the window title) to receive commands that you specify using the Command method. The name that you specify must match the spelling of the window name exactly (though this property is not case sensitive). When the name is set, the window receives subsequent commands that you specify with the Command method until CommandWindow is changed or set to Null (by specifying ""). If the name is Null, which is the default, the currently active window receives the command. This property is Read-Write.
controls whether the window specified by the CommandWindow property is visible. If the property is set to False, the window that is specified by the CommandWindow property is set to invisible. If the CommandWindow property is Null, this property has no effect. This property is Read-Write.
controls the behavior when SAS exits. A value of 0 means that no confirmation box is displayed before SAS exits. A value of 1 means that a confirmation box is displayed before SAS exits. A value of 2 selects the default action, which is controlled by an alternative method that defines how SAS exits (for example, the Preferences dialog box).
sets the height, in pixels, of the SAS application window. This property is Read-Write.
sets the name of the parent window that contains the SAS application window. If you change this value to another window, the SAS application window resizes to fit in the new frame. This property is Read-Write.
returns the return code passed by a user function. You can set this property from within the SAS session by using the SETRC function. This property is Read-Only from the automation controller.
returns a string passed by a user function. You can set this property from within the SAS session by using the SETRC function. This property is Read-Only from the automation controller.
sets the main SAS window title. This property is Read-Write.
controls whether SAS is visible. This property is Read-Write.
sets the width, in pixels, of the SAS application window. This property is Read-Write.
sets the horizontal coordinate, in pixels, for the top left corner of the SAS application window. This property is Read-Write.
sets the vertical coordinate, in pixels, for the top left corner of the SAS application window. This property is Read-Write.