FINFO Function: Windows

Returns the value of an information item for an external file.

Category: External Files
Windows specifics: available info-items
See: FINFO Function in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference


Required Arguments


specifies the identifier that was assigned when the file was opened, generally by the FOPEN function.


specifies the name of the file information item to be retrieved. This item is a character value.

info-item for disk files can be one of these file information items:
  • Create Time: ddmmmyyyy:hh:mm:ss
    Note: The Create Time date/time information item is localized to the site's locale. The date/time format might appear slightly different in the locale.
  • Last Modified: ddmmmyyyy:hh:mm:ss
  • Filename
  • File size (bytes)
info-item for pipe files can be one of these file information items:
  • Unnamed pipe access device


The FINFO function returns the value of a system-dependent information item for an external file that was previously opened and assigned a file-id by the FOPEN function. FINFO returns a blank if the value given for info-item is invalid.

Example: Obtaining File Information

data a;
/* Does fileref "curdirfl" exist?  No = 0 */
rc=fexist ("curdirfl");
put "Fileref curdirfl exist? rc should be 0 (no); " rc=;
/* assign fileref */
rc=filename("curdirfl", "c:\tmp333");
/* RC=0 indicates success in assigning fileref */
put "Fileref assigned - rc should be 0; " rc=;
rc=fexist ("curdirfl");
/* Does file which "curdirfl" points to exist?  No = 0 */
/* Assigning a fileref doesn't create the file. */
put "File still doesn't exist - rc should be 0; " rc=;
rc=fileref ("curdirfl");
/* Does fileref "curdirfl" exist?  */
/* Negative means fileref exists, but file does not */
/* Positive means fileref does not exist            */
/* Zero means both fileref and file exist           */
put "Fileref now exists - rc should be negative; " rc=;
/* Does the file that the fileref points to exist?  Should be no. */
if ( fileexist ("./tmp333") ) then
    /* if it does, open it for input */
        put "Open file for input";
        fid=fopen ("curdirfl", "i") ;
   else       /* most likely scenario */
        put "Open file for output";
        fid=fopen ("curdirfl", "o");
/* fid should be non-zero.  0 indicates failure. */
put "File id is: " fid=;
numopts = foptnum(fid);
put "Number of information items should be 6; " numopts=;
do i = 1 to numopts;
optname = foptname (fid,i);
put i= optname=;
optval  = finfo (fid, optname);
put optval= ;
rc=fclose (fid);
rc=fdelete ("curdirfl");
put "Closing the file, rc should be 0; "
rc=; run;
The Resulting SAS Log
NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINTTO used (Total process time):
      real time           0.36 seconds
      cpu time            0.00 seconds
291  data a;
293  /* Does fileref "curdirfl" exist?  No = 0 */
295  rc=fexist ("curdirfl");
296  put;
t297  put "Fileref curdirfl exist? rc should be 0 (no); " rc=;
299  /* assign fileref */
301  rc=filename("curdirfl", "c:\tmp333");
303  /* RC=0 indicates success in assigning fileref */
305  put "Fileref assigned - rc should be 0; " rc=;
306  rc=fexist ("curdirfl");
308  /* Does file which "curdirfl" points to exist?  No = 0 */
309  /* Assigning a fileref doesn't create the file. */
311  put "File still doesn't exist - rc should be 0; " rc=;
312  rc=fileref ("curdirfl");
314  /* Does fileref "curdirfl" exist?  */
315  /* Negative means fileref exists, but file does not */
316  /* Positive means fileref does not exist            */
317  /* Zero means both fileref and file exist           */
319  put "Fileref now exists - rc should be negative; " rc=;
320  put;
322  /* Does the file that the fileref points to exist?  Should be no. */
324  if ( fileexist ("./tmp333") ) then
325      /* if it does, open it for input */
326        do;
327          put "Open file for input";
328          fid=fopen ("curdirfl", "i") ;
329        end;
330     else       /* most likely scenario */
331        do;
332          put "Open file for output";
333          fid=fopen ("curdirfl", "o");
334        end;
336  /* fid should be non-zero.  0 indicates failure. */
337  put "File id is: " fid=;
338  numopts = foptnum(fid);
339  put "Number of information items should be 6; " numopts=;
340  do i = 1 to numopts;
341  optname = foptname (fid,i);
342  put i= optname=;
343  optval  = finfo (fid, optname);
344  put optval= ;
345  end;
346  rc=fclose (fid);
347  rc=fdelete ("curdirfl");
348  put "Closing the file, rc should be 0; "
349  rc=; run;
Fileref curdirfl exist? rc should be 0 (no); rc=0
Fileref assigned - rc should be 0; rc=0
File still doesn't exist - rc should be 0; rc=0
Fileref now exists - rc should be negative; rc=-20006
Open file for output
File id is: fid=1
Number of information items should be 6; numopts=6
i=1 optname=Filename
i=2 optname=RECFM
i=3 optname=LRECL
i=4 optname=File Size (bytes)
i=5 optname=Last Modified
i=6 optname=Create Time
Closing the file, rc should be 0; rc=0
NOTE: The data set WORK.A has 1 observations and 6 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
      real time           0.12 seconds
      cpu time            0.09 seconds
350  proc printto; run;

See Also

FOPEN Function in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference