folder is the folder in
which you install SAS. Starting with SAS 9, SAS creates two default
configuration files during installation. Both configuration files
are named SASV9.CFG.
The default folder !SASHOME
is located
at c:\program files\SASHome
. The default
configuration location is c:\program files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\nls\en\sasv9.cfg
folder contains a CONFIG system option that specifies the location of the configuration file for the SAS default language.
The default system options that are used to start SAS
are specified in the !SASROOT\nls\
For example, if SAS is installed in the default folder and the default
language is English, the SASV9.CFG file in the!SASROOT
contains -config "c:\program
folder, see SAS Default Folder Structure .
WARNING: INSTALL Application edits below this line. User options should be added above this box comment. INSTALL Application maintains and modifies the following options; -SASAUTO, -SASHELP, -SASMSG -PATH, and -MAPS. It also maintains and modifies the following CONFIG variables with the -SET option; INSTALL, USAGE, LIBRARY, SAMPSIO, SAMPSRC, SASCBT, and SASEXT01–SASEXT50. It preserves all lines above the line containing 'DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE'.
language-code folder.
The language-code is a two-letter language code for the SAS default language. You can specify your
own file to act as the configuration file, thus overriding the default file, SASV9.CFG.
and modify the copy instead of creating your own file.
“c:\program files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\sas.exe -config c:\mysas\mysasconfig.CFG”
2m -sasinitialfolder c:\myfolder -linesize max
-config !SASROOT\nls\
-autoexec c:\mysasfiles\init.sasIf the specified autoexec file is not found, an error message is displayed, and SAS terminates.
filename rlink 'c:\program files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\connect\saslink\ startSession.scr';
options linesize=80 pagesize=60; filename saledata 'f:\qtr1'; filename custdata 'l:\newcust'; filename invoice 'o:\billing';
c:\program files\SASHome\SASFoundation\9.4\sas.exe -noautoexec
Windows 7 and 8, Windows
Server 2008 and 2012
SAS Files\9.4" |
\My SAS Files\9.4
). This option is useful if you want to customize your SAS sessions when sharing a
machine with other users or if users are accessing SAS from a network.
-sasuser "c:\myuser"
!TEMP\SAS Temporary Files
c:\Program Files\SASHOME\SASFoundation\9.4
(The examples in this document assume the !SASHOME folder is called c:\Program Files\SASHOME\SASFoundation\9.4
c:\program files\SASHome\x86\SASFoundation\9.4
c:\Program Files\SAS Institute\Shared
. For SAS 9 through 9.4, the default path for
shared files, if shared components are installed, is c:\Program
Files\SAS\Shared Files
. If shared components are not
installed, the default path is c:\Program Files\SAS\SharedFiles
There is no blank space in the spelling of SharedFiles.