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SAS Functions and CALL Routines under Windows

SAS Functions and Call Routines under Windows

A SAS function returns a value from a computation or system operation. SAS CALL routines are used to alter variable values or perform other system functions. Most SAS functions and CALL routines are completely described in the SAS functions and CALL routines portion of SAS Language Reference: Dictionary.

List of Functions and CALL Routines

The following SAS functions and CALL routines have details specific to the Windows operating environment:

BYTE Function: Windows FINFO Function: Windows
CALL SOUND Routine: Windows FOPTNAME Function: Windows
CALL SYSTEM Routine: Windows FOPTNUM Function: Windows
COLLATE Function: Windows LIBNAME Function: Windows
DINFO Function: Windows MCIPISLP Function: Windows
DOPTNAME Function: Windows MCIPISTR Function: Windows
DOPTNUM Function: Windows MODULE Function: Windows
FDELETE Function: Windows PEEKLONG Function: Windows
FEXIST Function: Windows RANK Function: Windows
FILEEXIST Function: Windows SLEEP Function: Windows
FILENAME Function: Windows TRANSLATE Function: Windows
FILEREF Function: Windows WAKEUP Function: Windows

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