SASINITIALFOLDER System Option: Windows

Changes the working folder and the default folders for the Open and Save As dialog boxes to the specified folder after SAS initialization is complete.
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation
Category: Environment control: Files
Default: none
Windows specifics: all



Required Argument

specifies the path to the current working folder and the default folders for the Open and Save As dialog boxes. If newfolder contains spaces, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.


SAS determines the locations for AUTOEXEC or INITSTMT files before the SASINITIALFOLDER system option is processed. To ensure that SAS can determine the location of these files, place them in a folder other than the folder that is specified by the SASINITIALFOLDER system option.
If you do not specify the SASINITIALFOLDER system option, SAS determines the current folder by default. SAS uses the Sasuser folder as the default folders for the Open and Save As dialog boxes.
The current working folder is set according to information in Determining the Current Folder When SAS Starts.