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Getting Started with SAS under OpenVMS

Running SAS in a SPAWN/NOWAIT Subprocess

The SPAWN= system option enables you to run SAS in a SPAWN/NOWAIT subprocess. This method of running SAS is similar to batch mode if you do not specify /DMS or /EXPLORER. The only difference is that in batch mode, SAS runs in its own process rather than in a spawned subprocess.

When you specify SPAWN=NOWAIT in the SAS command and do not specify /DMS or /EXPLORER, SAS assumes the terminal cannot be used to take input from the user. Therefore, SAS will not run in interactive line mode if you do not specify /DMS or /EXPLORER. You can, however, run SAS in noninteractive mode, or invoke SAS under the Motif interface, as shown in the following SAS commands:




Attention-handling is disabled if you are running SAS with SPAWN=NOWAIT in effect. Thus, to terminate the subprocess running SAS, use the STOP DCL command.

For information about invoking the SPAWN= system option, see SPAWN= System Option: OpenVMS.

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