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Introduction to the OpenVMS Operating Environment

OpenVMS File Types

The file-type portion of a filename often indicates the contents of the file. Both OpenVMS and SAS use default file types for output files. DCL commands that create files often assign default file types if you omit file-type in the file specification. When you assign file types to files you create, keep in mind that either OpenVMS or SAS might require a certain file type, depending on how a file is used. The following is a list of commonly used OpenVMS file types:


is usually a DCL command file that can be executed with the DCL @ command or submitted for batch execution with the SUBMIT command. (For information about submitting a SAS job in batch mode, see Batch Mode under OpenVMS.)


is usually a directory. The DCL CREATE/DIRECTORY command assigns the file type .DIR by default.


is usually a file called a listing, which might contain output of a SAS session.


is usually a file called the OpenVMS log, which contains batch job output, or it is the log of a SAS session.


is usually a file containing messages that were entered with the OpenVMS Personal Mail Utility (MAIL).

For a complete list of OpenVMS file types, see OpenVMS User's Manual.

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