Customizing the SAS Windowing Environment |
The following table lists the resource and class names, type, and statically defined default values for many of the SAS X resources. For additional information about specific types of resources, see the following tables:
"SAS Font-Alias Resources," SAS Font-Alias Resources
"Foreground and Background Color Resources," Foreground and Background Color Resources
"SAS CPARMS Resources," SAS CPARMS Resources
If no X resource value overrides the resource and class name, then the static default is chosen. Some X resources have a default of dynamic listed. This means that the default value is determined at run time.
An online example resource file is available for use. The filename is SAS$ROOT: [MISC.BASE] SASXDEFAULTS.DAT.
Note: X resource names are case sensitive. When you specify them in your resource files, be sure to use the correct capitalization.
Resource Name | Class Name | Type | Default |
SAS.altVisualId | AltVisualId | Integer | NULL |
SAS.autoComplete | AutoComplete | Boolean | True |
SAS.autoSaveInterval | AutoSaveInterval | Integer | 10 |
SAS.autoSaveOn | AutoSaveOn | Boolean | True |
SAS.awsResizePolicy | AWSResizePolicy | String | "grow" |
SAS.colorUiconCount | UiconCount | Integer | 0 |
SAS.colorUiconPath | UiconPath | String | NULL |
SAS.colorUiconPath | UiconPath | String | NULL |
SAS.commandsSaved | CommandsSaved | Integer | 25 |
SAS.defaultCommandWindow | DefaultCommandWindow | Boolean | True |
SAS.defaultPasteBuffer | DefaultPasteBuffer | String | XPRIMARY |
SAS.defaultToolBox | DefaultToolBox | Boolean | True | | Directory | String | NULL |
SAS.DMSboldFont | Font | String |
dynamic |
SAS.dmsContrastCheck | DmsContrastCheck | Boolean | False |
SAS.DMSFont | Font | String |
dynamic |
SAS.DMSfontPattern | DMSFontPattern | String | "-*-*-*-r-*--*-*-*-*-m-*-iso8859-1" |
SAS.fontPattern | FontPattern | String | "*" |
SAS.helpBrowser | helpBrowser | String | SAS$BROWSER |
SAS.insertModeOn | InsertModeOn | Boolean | False |
SAS.isToolBoxPersistent | IsToolBoxPersistent | Boolean | True |
SAS.keyboardTranslations | KeyboardTranslations | Translation |
dynamic |
SAS.keysWindowLabels | KeysWindowLabels | String |
dynamic |
SAS.markPasteBuffer | MarkPasteBuffer | String | NULL |
SAS.maxWindowHeight | WindowHeight | Dimension | 95 |
SAS.maxWindowWidth | WindowWidth | Dimension | 95 |
SAS.noAWS | NoAWS | Boolean | False |
SAS.noDoCommandRecall | NoDoCommandRecall | Boolean | True |
SAS.pattern | Pattern | String | NULL |
SAS.pmenuOn | PmenuOn | Boolean | True |
SAS.scrollBarSize | ScrollBarSize | Dimension | 17 |
SAS.selectTimeout | SelectTimeout | Integer | 60 |
SAS.sessionGravity | SASGravity | String |
dynamic |
SAS.sessionGravityXOffset | SASGravityOffset | Integer | 0 |
SAS.sessionGravityYOffset | SASGravityOffset | Integer | 0 |
SAS.startSessionManager | StartSessionManager | Boolean | True |
SAS.startupLogo | StartUpLogo | String | " " |
SAS.suppressMenuIcons | SuppressMenuIcons | Boolean | False |
SAS.suppressTutorialDialog | SuppressTutorialDialog | Boolean | False |
SAS.SystemFont | SystemFont | String | "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-*-*-*-*" |
SAS.toolBoxAlwaysOnTop | ToolBoxAlwaysOnTop | Boolean | True |
SAS.toolBoxTipDelay | ToolBoxTipDelay | Integer | 750 |
SAS.uiconCount | UiconCount | Integer | 0 |
SAS.uiconPath | UiconPath | String | NULL |
SAS.useCommandToolBoxCombo | UseCommandToolBoxCombo | Boolean | True |
SAS.useLargeToolBox | UseLargeToolBox | Boolean | False |
SAS.useLargeToolBox | UseLargeToolBox | Boolean | False |
SAS.useNativeXmTextTranslations | UseNativeXmTextTranslations | Boolean | False |
SAS.useShowHideDecorations | UseShowHideDecorations | Boolean | False |
SAS.useToolBoxTips | UseToolBoxTips | Boolean | True |
SAS.VMSdisplay | VMSdisplay | Integer | 1000 |
SAS.windowHeight | WindowHeight | Dimension | 50 |
SAS.windowUnitType | WindowUnitType | String | percentage |
SAS.windowWidth | WindowWidth | Dimension | 67 |
SAS.wsaveAllExit | wsaveAllExit | Boolean | False |
Copyright © 2009 by SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, USA. All rights reserved.