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Introduction to the OpenVMS Operating Environment

What Is the OpenVMS Operating Environment?

OpenVMS is an interactive virtual-memory operating environment that runs on the HP Integrity server.

Like any operating environment, OpenVMS is designed to manage information. It accepts, stores, retrieves, and processes many types of information, such as data, text, programs (such as SAS programs), and output from programs. The OpenVMS system performs all data processing functions in response to DCL commands that you issue. These functions include the following:

For detailed information about OpenVMS, see the documentation provided by Hewlett-Packard. Also, the operating environment provides an online Help facility that you can access by using the DCL HELP command.

SAS 9.2 Supported OpenVMS Platforms

HP offers the OpenVMS version 8.3 operating system on AlphaServer and Integrity server platforms. SAS 9.2 supports the OpenVMS version 8.3 operating system for the Integrity server platform.

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