SASHELP System Option: UNIX

Specifies the locations of Sashelp libraries.
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation, SASV9_OPTIONS environment variable
Category: Environment control: Files
Default: !SASROOT/sashelp (set in the installed !SASROOT/sasv9.cfg file)
UNIX specifics: directory-specification can also be an environment variable
See: SASHELP= System Option in SAS System Options: Reference


–SASHELP directory-specification
–SASHELP ('directory-specification', 'directory-specification'...)


This option is set in the installation process and is not normally changed after installation. An environment variable can be specified as the value of SASHELP.
To add additional directory specifications, use the INSERT or APPEND system option. For more information, see INSERT System Option: UNIX, and APPEND System Option: UNIX.

See Also

System Options:
APPEND= System Option in SAS System Options: Reference
INSERT= System Option in SAS System Options: Reference