HELPLOC System Option: UNIX

Specifies the location of the text and index files for the facility that is used to view the online SAS Help and Documentation.
Valid in: configuration file, SAS invocation
Category: Environment control: Help
Default: !SASROOT/X11/native_help/en
UNIX specifics: default pathname


-HELPLOC (pathname<,pathname-2...,pathname-n>)

Required Argument

specifies one or more directory pathnames in which the online SAS Help and Documentation files are located.


Specifying a value for the HELPLOC system option causes SAS to insert that value at the start of a list of concatenated values, the last of which is the default value. This behavior enables you to access help for your site without losing access to SAS Help and Documentation.
To add pathnames, use the INSERT or APPEND system options. For more information, see INSERT System Option: UNIX, and APPEND System Option: UNIX.

Example: Using the HELPLOC System Option

The following command contains two specifications of HELPLOC:
sas -insert helploc /app2/help -insert helploc /app1/help -append
The value of the system option is the following:
/app1/help, /app2/help, !SASROOT/X11/native_help

See Also

System Options:
INSERT= System Option in SAS System Options: Reference
APPEND= System Option in SAS System Options: Reference