Prints the description of the contents of one or more files from a SAS library.
UNIX specifics: information displayed in the SAS output
See: CONTENTS Procedure in Base SAS Procedures Guide


PROC CONTENTS<option(s)> ;


The CONTENTS procedure produces the same information as the CONTENTS statement in the DATASETS procedure. (See DATASETS Procedure: UNIX for a comparison.)

Example: Executing PROC CONTENTS

The following SAS code creates two data sets, classes.grades and classes.majors, and executes PROC CONTENTS to describe the classes.majors data set:
libname classes '.';

data classes.grades (label='First Data Set');
   input student year state $ grade1 grade2;
   label year='Year of Birth';
   format grade1 4.1;
1000 1980 NC 85 87
1042 1981 MD 92 92
1095 1979 PA 78 72
1187 1980 MA 87 94

data classes.majors(label='Second Data Set');
   input student $ year state $ grade1 grade2 major $;
   label state='Home State';
   format grade1 5.2;
1000 1980 NC 84 87 Math
1042 1981 MD 92 92 History
1095 1979 PA 79 73 Physics
1187 1980 MA 87 74 Dance
1204 1981 NC 82 96 French

proc contents data=classes.majors;
Output from the CONTENTS Procedure
Output from the CONTENTS Procedure