FILEREF Function: z/OS

Verifies that a fileref has been assigned for the current SAS session.
Category: External Files
z/OS specifics: fileref
See: FILEREF Function in SAS Functions and CALL Routines: Reference



Required Argument

specifies the fileref to be validated. Under z/OS, fileref can be a ddname that was assigned using the TSO ALLOCATE command or JCL DD statement. In a DATA step, fileref can be a character expression, a string enclosed in quotation marks, or a DATA step variable whose value contains the fileref. In a macro, fileref can be any expression. If fileref is a literal fileref name, it must be in quotation marks. If fileref is the name of a character variable whose value is a fileref name, it must not be quoted.


A negative return code indicates that the fileref exists, but the physical files associated with the fileref does not exist. A positive value indicates that the fileref is not assigned. A value of zero indicates that the fileref and the external file both exist.