Tapes are used primarily in batch mode. Some sites might
restrict or prohibit tape mounts in interactive sessions. Because
file allocation for external files on tape is done infrequently, the
FILENAME statement and FILENAME function give only limited support
for parameters that are normally associated with data sets on tape.
However, you can use the FILENAME statement or FILENAME function
to allocate a cataloged tape file, provided that you specify the data
set name and disposition (as you would normally do in a JCL DD statement).
To allocate an uncataloged tape file, do the following:
For a data set on an IBM standard-label
tape (label type SL, the most common type), you must specify the data
set name, UNIT= parameter, and volume serial number. You can also
specify the label number and type and the disposition, or you can
allow default values to be used for these parameters. For example:
filename mytape 'prod.data' vol=myvol
unit=tape label=(2,SL);
For a data set on a nonlabeled
tape (label type NL), you must supply the above information plus DCB
information. For more information, see
DCB Attribute Options. For example:
filename tranfile 'sas.cport.data'
disp=(new,keep) unit=tape vol=xvol
label=(1,NL) recfm=fb
lrecl=80 blksize=8000;