ALTLOG= System Option: z/OS

Specifies a destination for a copy of the SAS log.
Valid in: Configuration file, SAS invocation
Category: Environment Control: ENVFILES


Default: None
z/OS specifics: file-specification



Optional Argument

identifies an external file. Under z/OS, it can be a valid ddname, a physical filename, or the name of a file stored in the directory structure of the UNIX file system. The ddname must have been previously associated with an external file using either a TSO ALLOCATE command or a JCL DD statement.


The ALTLOG= system option specifies a destination to which a copy of the SAS log is written. Use the ALTLOG= option to capture the log output for printing.
The NOALTLOG option specifies that the SAS log is not copied.
When SAS is started with the OBJECTSERVER and NOTERMINAL system options and no log is specified, SAS discards all log and alternate log messages.
Using directives in the value of the ALTLOG system option enables you to control when logs are open and closed and how they are named, based on real-time events, such as time, month, day of week, and so on. For a list of directives see the LOGPARM= System Option: z/OS.

See Also

The SAS Log in SAS Language Reference: Concepts