Overview of SAS Data Location Assist for z/OS

SAS Data Location Assist for z/OS (zDLA) enables you to use the flexibility of the SAS DATA step to gather information about attributes for data sets that reside throughout your operating system. You can use zDLA to retrieve information about all forms of z/OS data sets, including sequential, VSAM, partitioned, and UFS files. zDLA enables you to process the types of attribute information that are obtained from other utility programs without writing lengthy SAS DATA steps. It also eliminates the need for you to use multiple utilities to retrieve this information, or the need to write additional utilities in the Assembler language.
zDLA provides the following SAS functions that you can use to retrieve information about data set attributes:
ZVOLLIST returns a list of volume serial numbers.
ZDSLIST returns a list of data set names.
ZDSNUM returns a count of the number of data set names previously returned from the ZDSLIST function.
ZDSIDNM returns individual data set names from the variable created by function ZDSLIST, based on an index.
ZDSATTR returns the attributes for the data set name that is specified in the input variable, according to the type of request.
ZDSXATT returns the number of attributes relevant to a given request to a numeric variable.
ZDSYATT returns attributes relevant to a given request.