Reverting to SAS 9.2 Behavior

Before SAS 9.3, if NONLSCOMPATMODE was in effect, SAS in most cases transcoded z/OS resource names from SAS session encoding to EBCDIC 1047 before supplying those names to the operating system. Conversely, when displaying the names of z/OS resources, SAS treated the names as if they were encoded in EBCDIC 1047, and SAS therefore transcoded the names to SAS session encoding in SAS messages and other SAS output. This approach had two drawbacks:
  • This behavior was at variance with all IBM supplied z/OS program products and utilities, none of which performed transcoding in this manner.
  • UFS paths were limited to the character set that could be represented in EBCDIC 1047.
For the purposes of compatibility, it is possible to preserve the SAS 9.2 behavior described by specifying the following TKMVSENV option when executing SAS:
set TKOPT_ENV_ENCODING_PATH=open_ed-1047