FONTSLOC= System Option: z/OS

Specifies the location of the SAS fonts that are loaded during the SAS session.
Valid in: SAS invocation
Default: NULL
z/OS specifics: All
See: FONTSLOC= System Option in SAS System Options: Reference


FONTSLOC=high-level qualifier(s) | HFS directory path

Required Arguments

high-level qualifier(s)
specified when the font files that are supplied by SAS are stored in native MVS files.
HFS directory path
specified if the font files are saved in a UFS directory.


SAS distributes font files for use by the universal printer GIF driver as native z/OS files with the following characteristics:
  • Data Set Organization (DSORG) = PS
  • Record Format (RECFM) = FBS
  • Logical Record Length (LRECL) = 1.
If the font files were installed into SAS9.SASMONO.TTF and SAS9.SASMONOB.TTF, specify FONTSLOC=SAS9 at SAS invocation.
These font files can be copied to the UFS file system if it is available at your site. In this case, the specification for the FONTSLOC= option would be similar to FONTSLOC='/sas9/fonts', assuming that the font files were saved in this directory.