CONFIG= System Option: z/OS

Specifies the configuration file that is used when initializing or overriding the values of SAS system options.
Valid in: SAS invocation
Category: Environment Control: ENVFILES
Default: CONFIG
z/OS specifics: All



Required Argument

  • when CONFIG= is specified as a command line option, the file specification must be any valid ddname, which must have been previously associated with an external file using either a TSO ALLOCATE command or a JCL DD statement.
  • when CONFIG= is specified in a configuration file, the file specification can be a ddname or a physical filename. A physical filename can be the name of a sequential data set or a PDS member, or it can be the name of a file in a UFS directory.


The configuration file can contain any of the SAS system options, including the CONFIG= option.
Note: Typically, CONFIG= is not directly specified as a command-line option, but indirectly with SASRX, SAS CLIST, or batch PROC parameters.