DLEXCPCOUNT System Option: z/OS

Reports number of EXCPs to direct access bound SAS libraries.
Valid in: Configuration file, SAS invocation
Category: File Control: SASFILES
z/OS specifics: All



Required Arguments

reports the EXCPs (Execute Channel Program calls) that SAS performs on direct access bound libraries and the number of blocks that were transferred in these EXCPs.
does not report the number of EXCPs that SAS performs on direct access bound libraries and the number of blocks that were transferred in these EXCPs.


Specifying DLEXCPCOUNT causes SAS to generate a message that reports the number of blocks that are processed. It also reports the corresponding number of EXCPs that are issued to each SAS library since the library was opened. This message is produced when the library is closed. The message is written to the z/OS system log as a WTO message. The message is also written to the SAS log except when the library is closed during termination of the SAS session. The message text output is in this form:
SAS processed <number> blocks and performed <number> EXCPs on
library 'data set name'
Note: A library is opened the first time it is referenced in a SAS session. It is closed when the last libref that is assigned to the library is cleared. If the library is still open at the end of a SAS session, the library is closed as part of SAS termination.
The values of BUFSIZE= and BUFNO=, specified as data set options or SAS system options, have a direct effect on the number of EXCPs performed. Increasing the value of BUFSIZE= increases page size and reduces the number of EXCPs required. Specifying a larger value for BUFNO= causes more blocks to be read with a single EXCP under certain circumstances, thus reducing the total EXCP count.