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Macros under z/OS

Autocall Libraries

Overview of Autocall Libraries

An autocall library contains files that define SAS macros. Under z/OS, an autocall library is a partitioned data set. Each autocall macro should be a separate member in a partitioned data set. SAS supplies some autocall macros in the system autocall library. You can also define autocall macros yourself in a user autocall library. In order to use the autocall facility, the SAS option MAUTOSOURCE must be in effect. (See SAS Language Reference: Dictionary for details about MAUTOSOURCE.)

Specifying a User Autocall Library

Overview of Specifying a User Autocall Library

You can designate a physical file, or a concatenation of physical files, as your user-written autocall library in any of the following ways:

Example: Specifying an Autocall Library in Batch Mode

In batch mode, you could use the following JCL statements to specify an autocall library:

single autocall library:

//MYJOB    JOB account. ...
concatenated autocall library:

//MYJOB    JOB account ...
//         DD DSN=default.autocall.library,
//            DISP=SHR

Example: Specifying an Autocall Library under TSO

Under TSO, you can specify an autocall library either when you invoke SAS or during a SAS session.

When you invoke SAS:

single autocall library:

sas options('mautosource sasautos=
concatenated autocall library:

sas options('mautosource sasautos=
During a SAS session:

single autocall library:

options mautosource sasautos=
concatenated autocall library:

options mautosource sasautos=
   ('myid.macros1','myid.macros2', sasautos);

Creating an Autocall Macro

To create an autocall macro, do the following:

  1. Create a partitioned data set to function as an autocall library, or use an existing autocall library.

  2. In the autocall library, create a member that contains the source statements for the macro. The member name must be the same as the name of the macro.

Note:   The SAS macro facility enables you to include the underscore character in macro names; however, z/OS does not allow the underscore character in partitioned data set member names. To create an autocall member for a macro name that contains an underscore, use a pound sign (#) in place of the underscore in the member name. For example, to create an autocall member for a macro named _SETUP_, name the member #SETUP#. However, invoke the macro by the macro name, as follows:



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