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Universal Printing

Example Programs and Summary

Overview of Example Programs and Summary

All of the example programs access the SASLIB.HOUSES data set, which is shown in The SASLIB.HOUSES Data Set. The first four example programs execute the same PROC PRINT using different combinations of output formats and printing destinations. Example 5 and Example 6 use SAS/GRAPH code to execute PROC REG followed by PROC GPLOT, again with different output formats and printing destinations. See Summary of Printing Examples for a summary of the results.

The example programs were developed on the z/OS platform, with a printer device of PostScript output written to a file.

To generate output to other printer definitions, use the printers defined at your site, or include your own printer definitions. For more information about printer definitions, seeSetting Up a Universal Printer with PROC PRTDEF.

Example 1: ODS and a Default Universal Printer


Default Universal Printer



options linesize=80 nodate;
libname saslib '';

ods listing close;
ods printer;

title1 'ods and up default';

proc print data=saslib.houses;
   format price dollar10.0;

ods printer close;

The following output shows the results of this code:

[ods and up default]

Example 2: ODS and the PRINTERPATH System Option


Universal Printer 'Postscript'



options linesize=80 nodate;
libname saslib '';

options printerpath = PostScript;
ods listing close;
ods printer;

title1 'ods and printerpath (no fileref)';

proc print data=saslib.houses;
   format price dollar10.0;

ods printer close;

The following output shows the results of this code:

[ods and printerpath (no fileref)]

Example 3: ODS and the PRINTERPATH System Option (with FILEREF)


File '.sasprt.out' with the characteristics of the Universal Printer 'Postscript'



options linesize=80 nodate;
libname saslib '';

filename outlist '.sasprt.out';
options printerpath = ('Postscript' outlist);
ods listing close;
ods printer;

title1 'ods and up file';
title2 'printerpath with fileref';

proc print data=saslib.houses;
   format price dollar10.0;

ods printer close;

The following output shows the results of this code:

[ods and up file printerpath with fileref]


The following example code uses a line printer to format output to a PostScript printer. Because no font is specified, the font that is used is the default 12-point Courier font.


Universal Printer 'Postscript'



options linesize=80 nodate;
libname saslib '';

title1 'proc printto';
title2 'filename upr and printerpath';

options printerpath = Postscript;
filename upr uprinter;

proc printto print=upr; run;

proc print data=saslib.houses;
   format price dollar10.0;

The following output shows the results of this code:

1                                  proc printto                                 1
                           filename upr and printerpath
                 style       sqfeet    brs    baths         price
                 CONDO        1400      2      1.5        $80,050
                 CONDO        1390      3      2.5        $79,350
                 CONDO        2105      4      2.5       $127,150
                 CONDO        1860      2      2.0       $109,250
                 CONDO        2000      4      2.5       $125,000
                 RANCH        1250      2      1.0        $64,000
                 RANCH        1535      3      3.0        $89,100
                 RANCH         720      1      1.0        $35,000
                 RANCH        1300      2      1.0        $70,000
                 RANCH        1500      3      3.0        $86,000
                 SPLIT        1190      1      1.0        $65,850
                 SPLIT        1615      4      3.0        $94,450
                 SPLIT        1305      3      1.5        $73,650
                 SPLIT        1590      3      2.0        $92,000
                 SPLIT        1400      3      2.5        $78,800
                 TWOSTORY     1810      4      3.0       $107,250
                 TWOSTORY     1040      2      1.0        $55,850
                 TWOSTORY     1240      2      1.0        $69,250
                 TWOSTORY     1745      4      2.5       $102,950
                 TWOSTORY     1200      4      1.0       $70,000

Example 5: SAS/GRAPH: ODS and PRINTERPATH System Option


File '' with the characteristics of the Universal Printer 'Postscript'



options nodate;
goptions reset=all;
libname saslib '';

filename out '';
options printerpath=(Postscript out);
ods listing close;
goptions device=sasprtc cback=white gsfmode=append;
ods printer style=default;

footnote "ODS and Universal Printer";
title1 "Linear Regression";
title2 "Results";

proc reg data=saslib.houses;
  /* Regression model */
     Linear_Regression_Model: MODEL price = sqfeet / ;

  /* output dataset to use as input for plots */
   output out = WORK._PLOTOUT
          predicted = _predicted1
          residual  = _residual1
          student   = _student1
          rstudent  = _rstudent1;

goptions hsize=5in vsize=5in;
goptions border;

title1 "Regression Analysis";
title2 "Plots";
axis1 major=(number=5) width=1;
axis3 major=(number=5) offset=(5 pct) width=1;

proc gplot data=WORK._PLOTOUT;
   where price is not missing and
     sqfeet is not missing;

   /* ********* PREDICTED plots ********* */

   title4 "Observed price by Predicted price";
   symbol1 C=GREEN V=DOT height=2PCT interpol=NONE L=1 W=1;
   label _predicted1 = "Predicted price";
   where price is not missing and _predicted1 is not missing;
   plot price * _predicted1 /
      vaxis=AXIS1 vminor=0 haxis=AXIS3 hminor=0
      description = "Observed price by Predicted price";

    /* ********* RESIDUAL plots ********* */

   title9 "Studentized Residuals of price by Predicted price";
   symbol1 C=GREEN V=DOT height=2PCT interpol=NONE L=1 W=1;
   label _rstudent1 = "Residuals";
   label _predicted1 = "Predicted price";
   where _rstudent1 is not missing and _predicted1 is not missing;
   plot _rstudent1 * _predicted1 /
     vaxis=AXIS1 vminor=0 haxis=AXIS3 hminor=0 vref=0
     description = "Studentized Residuals of price by Predicted price";

proc delete data=WORK._PLOTOUT; run;
title; footnote; run;

ods printer close;

The following output shows the results of PROC REG:

[Linear Regression Reuslts of the REG Procedure]

The following output shows the "Observed price by Predicted price" plot for this example:

[Observed price by Predicted price]

The following output shows the "Studentized Residuals of price by Predicted price" plot for this example:

[Studentized Residuals of price by Predicted price]

Example 6: SAS/GRAPH: No ODS or PRINTERPATH System Option


File ''


As specified by the SAS/GRAPH device driver

options linesize=80 nodate;
goptions reset=all;
filename out '';
goptions device=ps gsfname=out;
goptions cback=white gsfmode=append;
libname saslib '';

footnote "Regular SAS/GRAPH PS Output; no ODS, no Universal Printer";
title1 "Linear Regression";
title2 "Results";

proc reg data=saslib.houses;
  /* Regression model */
     Linear_Regression_Model: MODEL price = sqfeet / ;

  /* output dataset to use as input for plots */
   output out = WORK._PLOTOUT
          predicted = _predicted1
          residual  = _residual1
          student   = _student1
          rstudent  = _rstudent1;

goptions hsize=5in vsize=5in;
goptions border;

title1 "Regression Analysis";
title2 "Plots";
axis1 major=(number=5) width=1;
axis3 major=(number=5) offset=(5 pct) width=1;

proc gplot data=WORK._PLOTOUT;
   where price is not missing and
     sqfeet is not missing;

   /* ********* PREDICTED plots ********* */

   title4 "Observed price by Predicted price";
   symbol1 C=GREEN V=DOT height=2PCT interpol=NONE L=1 W=1;
   label _predicted1 = "Predicted price";
   where price is not missing and _predicted1 is not missing;
   plot price * _predicted1 /
      vaxis=AXIS1 vminor=0 haxis=AXIS3 hminor=0
      description = "Observed price by Predicted price";

    /* ********* RESIDUAL plots ********* */

   title9 "Studentized Residuals of price by Predicted price";
   symbol1 C=GREEN V=DOT height=2PCT interpol=NONE L=1 W=1;
   label _rstudent1 = "Residuals";
   label _predicted1 = "Predicted price";
   where _rstudent1 is not missing and _predicted1 is not missing;
   plot _rstudent1 * _predicted1 /
     vaxis=AXIS1 vminor=0 haxis=AXIS3 hminor=0 vref=0
     description = "Studentized Residuals of price by Predicted price";

proc delete data=WORK._PLOTOUT; run;
title; footnote; run;

The following output shows the results of PROC REG. This output appears in the SAS Output window.

1                               Linear Regression                               1


                                The REG Procedure

                          Model: Linear_Regression_Model

                            Dependent Variable: price 

                               Analysis of Variance

                                      Sum of           Mean
  Source                   DF        Squares         Square    F Value    Pr > F

  Model                     1    12798244470    12798244470    3791.82    <.0001

  Error                    26       87755798        3375223                     

  Corrected Total          27    12886000268                                    

                Root MSE           1837.17800    R-Square     0.9932
               Dependent Mean          83716    Adj R-Sq     0.9929
               Coeff Var             2.19453                       

                               Parameter Estimates
                            Parameter       Standard

       Variable     DF       Estimate          Error    t Value    Pr > |t|
       Intercept     1         -16246     1660.05685      -9.79      <.0001
       sqfeet        1       68.52572        1.11283      61.58      <.0001
            Regular SAS/GRAPH PS Output; no ODS, no Universal Printer

The following output shows the "Observed price by Predicted price" plot for this example. The two graphs are written to .GRAPHIP.PS.

[Observed price by Predicted price]

The following output shows the "Studentized Residuals of price by Predicted price" plot for this example:

[Studentized Residuals of price by Predicted price]

The following output shows the "Observed price by Predicted price" plot for this example. The two graphs are written to a PostScript file.

[untitled graphic]

The following output shows the "Studentized Residuals of price by Predicted price" plot for this example:

[untitled graphic]

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