ODS Graphics is a system
for creating graphics that address the following requirements:
the need for a flexible syntax
to create complex graphs
the need to create high quality
graphical output.
Modern analytical graphs
are an integral part of an analysis or a study. ODS Graphics gives
SAS analytical procedures the ability to create complex analytical
graphs that deliver the analysis results with clarity and without
clutter. By enabling ODS Graphics, SAS users get the relevant graphs
automatically as part of the analysis process. In addition, they
have easy to use tools that can create related graphs for preview
of the data or for creating graphs from the results of multiple analyses.
ODS Graphics are driven
by the Graph Template Language (GTL), which provides the power and
flexibility to create many complex graphs. Standard GTL templates
are delivered with SAS that are used to generate graphics output for
the SAS analytical procedures. Users can modify these templates in
order to customize the appearance of the graphics output of these
procedures. Users can also create their own templates for creating
custom graphics. Whereas you can use GTL to modify the SAS analytical
procedure graphics output or to create custom graphics, its power
and flexibility comes with some complexity. For that reason, this
document discusses the ways in which the SAS System leverages the
power of GTL to create graphics using other tools and systems. You
might find that these other tools meet all of your needs.