Adding Graphics Elements to your Graph

The Draw Statements

The following table lists the GTL draw statement or statement block that you can use to draw each type of element.
To Draw this Type of Graphics Element
Use this GTL Statement or Block
An arrow
A line
An oval or circle
A square or rectangle
A polyline
DRAW statements within a BEGINPOLYLINE/ENDPOLYLINE block
A polygon
DRAW statements within a STARTPOLYGON/ENDPOLYGON block
An image
This user's guide provides an overview of how to use these statements. For detailed information about these statements, see SAS Graph Template Language: Reference.

Adding Text

Use a DRAWTEXT statement to add a text element to your graph. The basic syntax is as follows:
DRAWTEXT <TEXTATTRS=(text-options)> "text" / X=x Y=y <options>
In your DRAWTEXT statement, specify in “text” the text that you want to appear in your text element. You must enclose the text in quotes. If you want to change any attributes of the text such as the font family, font size, or font color, include the necessary options in the TEXTATTRS= option in the DRAWTEXT statement.
Note: The TEXTATTRS= option must be placed before “text” in the DRAWTEXT statement.
Use the X= and Y= options in the DRAWTEXT statement to specify the coordinates where you want to place the text. By default, the coordinate units are GRAPHPERCENT, and the text element is anchored on its center point at the specified coordinates. In options , you can include the DRAWSPACE= option or the XSPACE= and YSPACE= options to specify different units, and the ANCHOR= option to change the anchor point.
If you want text to wrap within a specified area, include the WIDTH= option in options . The WIDTH= option specifies the maximum width of the text area in PERCENT units by default. You can include the WIDTHUNIT= option in options to specify PIXEL or DATA units instead. If you want to add a border around your text, include the BORDER=TRUE and the BORDERATTRS= options in options .
Here is an example of a DRAWTEXT statement that adds a 120-pixel-wide block of text with a gray border.
drawtext "A text string that contains more than one line of text" /
   x=100 y=70 drawspace=graphpixel
   width=120 widthunit=pixel 
   border=true borderattrs=(color=gray pattern=1);
The X= and Y= options specifies the coordinates of the anchor point as (100, 70) in GRAPHPIXEL units. The ANCHOR= option specifies that the text is to be anchored at the LEFT anchor point as shown in the following figure. The WIDTH= and WIDTHUNIT= options specify the maximum width of the text block as 120 pixels.
A Block of Text Added to a Plot

Adding Arrows and Lines

Use a DRAWARROW or DRAWLINE statement to draw an arrow or line on your graph. The basic syntax is as follows:
DRAWARROW X1=x1 Y1=y1 X2=x2 Y2=y2 / <options>
The syntax for the DRAWLINE statement is similar.
The X1=, Y1=, X2=, and Y2= options on the DRAWARROW and DRAWLINE statements specify the coordinates for each endpoint of the arrow or line. By default, the coordinate units are GRAPHPERCENT. You can include the DRAWSPACE= option, or the X1SPACE=, Y1SPACE=, X2SPACE=, and Y2SPACE= options in options to specify different units. If you specify DATAVALUE as the units and you want to scale your arrow or line to the secondary axis, you must also include the X1AXIS=X2, Y1AXIS=Y2, X2AXIS=X2, and Y2AXIS=Y2 options.
For both arrows and lines, include the LINEATTRS= option in options to specify the line pattern, thickness, and color. For arrows, open arrowheads that point in the outward direction are the default. To change the arrowhead shape, include the ARROWHEADSHAPE= option and specify CLOSED, FILLED, or BARBED. You can also include the ARROWHEADSCALE= option to scale the arrowhead based on the thickness of the arrow line. The scaling factor is 1 by default. You can scale the arrowhead from a minimum of 0.5 to a maximum of 2.
To change the arrowhead direction, include the ARROWHEADDIRECTION= option in options and specify IN or BOTH. The IN direction positions the arrowhead on the (X1, Y1) endpoint and points it inward toward the (X1, Y1) endpoint. The BOTH direction includes both IN and OUT arrowheads forming a two-way arrow.
Here is an example of a DRAWARROW statement that adds a two-way dashed arrow.
drawarrow x1=60 y1=70 x2=190 y2=70 / drawspace=graphpixel
   lineattrs=(pattern=3 thickness=1px)
   arrowheadshape=barbed arrowheadscale=2 arrowheaddirection=both;
The arrow is drawn from endpoint (60, 70) to endpoint (190, 70) in GRAPHPIXEL units as shown in the following figure.
A Two-way Arrow Added to a Plot
The LINEATTRS= option specifies a dashed line (PATTERN=3) that is one pixel wide. The ARROWHEADSHAPE= option specifies a barbed arrowhead, and the ARROWHEADSCALE= option specifies a scale factor of 2 (maximum size). The ARROWHEADDIRECTION= option specifies a two-way arrow.
To draw a line, in your DRAWLINE statement, use the X1=, Y1=, X2=, and Y2= options to specify the location of the endpoints. Include the LINEATTRS= option in options to specify the line pattern, color, and thickness. Here is the previous example modified to draw a dashed line instead of a dashed arrow at the same coordinates.
drawline x1=60 y1=70 x2=190 y2=70 / drawspace=graphpixel
    lineattrs=(pattern=3 thickness=1px);

Adding Geometric Shapes


Use a DRAWOVAL statement to add ovals to your graph. The basic syntax is as follows:
DRAWOVAL X=x Y=y WIDTH=width HEIGHT=height / <options>
The X= and Y= options in the DRAWOVAL statement specify the coordinates of the oval anchor point. By default, the coordinate units are GRAPHPERCENT, and the oval is anchored on its center point. You can include the DRAWSPACE= option, or the XSPACE= and YSPACE= options in options to specify different units. If you choose DATAVALUE as the coordinate units and you want to scale the oval to the secondary axis, you must also include the XAXIS=X2 and YAXIS=Y2 options. You can include the ANCHOR= option to change the anchor point.
The WIDTH= and HEIGHT= options in the DRAWOVAL statement specify the dimensions of the oval in PERCENT units by default. You can include the WIDTHUNIT= and HEIGHTUNIT= options in options to specify PIXEL or DATA units instead.
You can change other attributes of the oval, such as the fill color, the outline color, and the outline pattern. Include the FILLATTRS= option in options to change the fill color, and include the OUTLINEATTRS= option to change the outline color and pattern.
Here is an example of a DRAWOVAL statement that adds a 90 pixel wide by 110 pixel high oval at coordinates (115, 110) in GRAPHPIXEL units.
drawoval x=115 y=110 width=90 height=110 / drawspace=graphpixel
   widthunit=pixel heightunit=pixel
   outlineattrs=(color=blue pattern=shortdash thickness=1px);
The 90 pixel wide by 110 pixel high Oval
The ANCHOR= option sets the oval anchor point to CENTER, which centers the oval at coordinates (115, 110). The DISPLAY=ALL option displays the outline and fill. The FILLATTRS= option specifies a light gray fill, and the OUTLINEATTRS= option specifies a blue dashed outline.


Use a DRAWRECTANGLE statement to add rectangles to your graph. The basic syntax is as follows:
DRAWRECTANGLE X=x Y=y WIDTH=width HEIGHT=height / <options>
The X= and Y= options in the DRAWRECTANGLE statement specify the coordinates of the anchor point of the rectangle. By default, the coordinate units are GRAPHPERCENT, and the rectangle is anchored on its center point. You can include the DRAWSPACE= option, or the XSPACE= and YSPACE= options in options to specify different units. If you choose DATAVALUE as the coordinate units and you want to scale the rectangle to the secondary axis, you must also include the XAXIS=X2 and YAXIS=Y2 options. You can include the ANCHOR= option to change the anchor point.
The WIDTH= and HEIGHT= options in the DRAWRECTANGLE statement specify the dimensions of the rectangle in PERCENT units by default. You can include the WIDTHUNIT= and HEIGHTUNIT= options in options to specify PIXEL or DATA units instead.
You can change other attributes of the rectangle, such as the fill color, the outline color, and the outline pattern. Include the FILLATTRS= option in options to change the fill color, and include the OUTLINEATTRS= option to change the outline color and pattern.
Here is an example of a DRAWRECTANGLE statement that adds a 60% wide by 40% high rectangle. In this example, percent refers to the percentage of the drawing area, at coordinates (80,80) in GRAPHPIXEL units.
drawrectangle x=80 y=80 width=60 height=40 / drawspace=graphpixel
   widthunit=percent heightunit=percent
   outlineattrs=(color=blue pattern=shortdash thickness=1px);
The 60% Wide by 40% High Rectangle
The ANCHOR= option specifies the rectangle anchor point as BOTTOMLEFT, which positions the lower left corner at coordinates (80, 80). The DISPLAY=ALL option displays the outline and fill. The FILLATTRS= option specifies a light gray fill, and the OUTLINEATTRS= option specifies a blue dashed outline.


Use a BEGINPOLYLINE/ENDPOLYLINE block to add a polyline to your graph. The basic syntax is as follows:
BEGINPOLYLINE X=origin-x Y=origin-y / <options>;
   DRAW X=x1 Y=y1;
   DRAW X=x2 Y=y2;
   ...more DRAW statements...
   DRAW X=Xn Y=Yn;
Use a BEGINPOLYLINE statement to open the block. In the BEGINPOLYLINE statement, use the X= and Y= options to specify the coordinates of the beginning point of the polyline. By default, the coordinate units are GRAPHPERCENT. You can include the DRAWSPACE= option, or the XSPACE= and YSPACE= options in options to specify different units. If you specify the units as DATAVALUE and you want to scale the polygon to the secondary axis, you must also include the XAXIS=X2 and YAXIS=Y2 options. To change the line color, pattern, or thickness, include the LINEATTRS= option.
Following the BEGINPOLYLINE statement are the individual DRAW statements. Each DRAW statement draws a straight line from the previous point to the endpoint that is specified in the DRAW statement's X= and Y= options. For the first DRAW statement, the previous point is the starting point that is specified in the BEGINPOLYLINE statement. For subsequent DRAW statements, the previous point is the endpoint that is specified in the previous DRAW statement. Add a DRAW statement for each segment in your polyline. You can add as many segments as you need. After the DRAW statements, add an ENDPOLYLINE statement to close the block.
Here is an example that draws a five-segment polyline beginning at the coordinates (30, 150). The coordinates are specified in GRAPHPIXEL units.
beginpolyline x=30 y=150 / xspace=graphpixel yspace=graphpixel
   draw x=110 y=150; /* Draw S1 */
   draw x=145 y=250; /* Draw S2 */
   draw x=170 y=50;  /* Draw S3 */
   draw x=205 y=150; /* Draw S4 */
   draw x=285 y=150; /* Draw S5 */
The following figure shows how this polyline is drawn.
The Sample Polyline and How It is Drawn
The X= and Y= options in the BEGINPOLYLINE statement specify the starting point of the polyline, (30, 150), in GRAPHPIXEL units. The first DRAW statement draws segment 1 (S1) between the starting point (30, 150) and endpoint (110, 150). The second DRAW statement draws S2 between the endpoint (110, 150) of the first DRAW statement to endpoint (145, 250). This pattern continues for the remaining DRAW statements in the block. The ENDPOLYLINE statement closes the block.


Use a BEGINPOLYGON/ENDPOLYGON block to add a polygon to your graph. The basic syntax is as follows:
BEGINPOLYGON X=origin-x Y=origin-y / <options>;
   DRAW X=x1 Y=y1;
   DRAW X=x2 Y=y2;
   ...more DRAW statements...
   DRAW X=origin-x Y=origin-y;
Use a BEGINPOLYGON statement to open the block. In the BEGINPOLYGON statement, use the X= and Y= options to specify the coordinates of the beginning point of the polygon. By default, the coordinate units are GRAPHPERCENT. You can include the DRAWSPACE= option, or the XSPACE= and YSPACE= options in options to specify different units. If you specify the units as DATAVALUE and you want to scale the polygon to the secondary axis, you must also include the XAXIS=X2 and YAXIS=Y2 options. To change the line color, pattern, or thickness, include the LINEATTRS= option.
Following the BEGINPOLYGON statement are the DRAW statements. Each DRAW statement draws a straight line from the previous point to the endpoint that is specified in the DRAW statement's X= and Y= options. For the first DRAW statement, the previous point is the starting point that is specified in the BEGINPOLYGON statement. For subsequent DRAW statements, the previous point is the endpoint that is specified in the previous DRAW statement. Add a DRAW statement for each side of your polygon. You can add as many sides as you need. The last DRAW statement typically ends at the starting point of the polygon in order to close the polygon.
Note: If the last DRAW statement does not end at the starting point of the polygon, a line is drawn automatically that connects the endpoint of the last DRAW statement to the starting point in order to close the polygon.
After the DRAW statements, add an ENDPOLYGON statement to close the block.
Here is an example that draws a four-sided polygon that begins at the coordinates (40, 100). All of the coordinates are specified in GRAPHPIXEL units.
beginpolygon x=40 y=100 / xspace=graphpixel yspace=graphpixel
   display=all fillattrs=(color=lightgray)
   outlineattrs=(thickness=1px pattern=shortdash color=blue);
   draw x=30  y=220; /* Draw S1 */
   draw x=160 y=200; /* Draw S2 */
   draw x=180 y=80;  /* Draw S3 */
   draw x=40  y=100; /* Draw S4 */
The following figure shows how the polygon is drawn.
The Sample Polygon and How It is Drawn
The BEGINPOLYGON statement X= and Y= options specify the starting point of the polygon, (40, 100). The DISPLAY=ALL option displays the outline and fill. The FILLATTRS= option specifies a light gray fill, while the OUTLINEATTRS= option specifies a dashed blue outline. The first DRAW statement draws side 1 (S1) between the starting point (40, 100) and endpoint (30, 220). The second DRAW statement draws S2 between endpoint (30, 220) of the first DRAW statement to endpoint (160, 200). This pattern continues for the remaining DRAW statements. The last DRAW statement connects endpoint (180, 80) to the starting point, (40, 100), which closes the polygon. The ENDPOLYGON statement closes the block.

Adding Images

Use a DRAWIMAGE statement to place a JPG or PNG image on your graph.
Note: The DRAWIMAGE statement supports the JPG and PNG image formats only.
The basic syntax is as follows:
DRAWIMAGE "image-file.ext" / X=x Y=x <options>
The image file is specified as image-file.ext, which is an absolute or relative path to the image file on the file system. The path must be enclosed in quotes, and it must include the image filename and file extension, such as image.jpg or image.png.
Note: The image file must be accessible on the file system. URL access is not supported.
The X= and Y= options in the DRAWIMAGE statement specify the coordinates of the image anchor point. By default, the coordinate units are GRAPHPERCENT, and the image is anchored on its center point. You can include the DRAWSPACE= option, or the XSPACE= and YSPACE= options in options to specify different units. If you choose DATAVALUE as the units and you want to scale the image to the secondary axis, you must also include the XAXIS=X2 and YAXIS=Y2 options. You can include the ANCHOR= option to change the anchor point.
You can use the HEIGHT= and WIDTH= options in the DRAWIMAGE statement to create a bounding box in which the image is drawn. The default units for the height and width are PERCENT. You can include the SIZEUNIT= option in options to specify PIXEL or DATA units instead. You can also include the SCALE= option to specify how the image is scaled within the bounding box. By default, the image is scaled to fit the box. You can also fit the image by height or width, or you can tile the image. If you want to draw a border around your image, you can include the BORDER=Y and BORDERATTRS= options.
Here is an example that adds the SAS logo at coordinates (70, 60) in GRAPHPIXEL units. The image is anchored at the bottom left corner, and a black border is drawn around the image.
drawimage ".\images\saslogo.png" / x=70 y=60 drawspace=graphpixel
   border=true borderattrs=(thickness=1px);
The following figure shows how the image is placed on the graph.
The SAS Logo and How It is Placed