Making the Appearance of Grouped Data Independent of Data Order

When unique group values are gathered, they are internally recorded in the order that they appear in the data. They are not subsequently sorted. This means that if an input data source is modified, sorted, or filtered, the order of the group values and their associations with GraphData1-GraphDataN might change.
proc sort data=sashelp.stocks out=stocks;
   by date descending stock;

ods listing style=stocks;

proc sgrender data= stocks template=group;
 where date between
       "1jan02"d and "31dec04"d;
Group Values Are Used in Data Order
In many cases, this might not be a problem because you really don't care which line pattern, marker symbols, or colors are associated with particular group values, but in some cases you might care. For example, if you create many plots grouped by GENDER, you might want a consistent set of visual properties for Females and Males across plots, regardless of the input data order.
In our example, you might want IBM to always have a blue color associated with it. To enforce this kind of association, you need to modify the input data by adding another numeric column that maps all group values to a positive integer that corresponds to one of the GraphData1-GraphDataN style elements. The name of the new variable can be anything.
data indexed;
  set sashelp.stocks;
  select (stock);
    when ("IBM")       ID=1;
    when ("Microsoft") ID=2;
    when ("Intel")     ID=3;
Now the template needs to be modified by adding an INDEX=ID option. The DISPLAY=(MARKERS) option was added to make sure that desired markers are also used.
proc template;
  define statgraph groupindex;
      entrytitle "Tech Stocks 2002-2004";
      entryfootnote halign=left "Source: SASHELP.STOCKS";
      layout overlay;  
        seriesplot x=date y=close / group=stock index=id
           name="series" lineattrs=(thickness=2) display=(markers) ;
        discretelegend "series";
Now we can repeat our test to make sure that IBM is blue regardless of data order.
ods listing style=stocks;

proc sgrender data=indexed
 where date between
      "1jan02"d and "31dec04"d;
Graph Using the ID Column
proc sort data=indexed out=stocks;
  by date descending stock;

ods listing style=stocks;

proc sgrender data= stocks
 where date between
      "1jan02"d and "31dec04"d;
Graph with the Data in Descending Order