Creating Multi-Cell Graphs

The SGPANEL procedure creates a panel for the values of one or more classification variables. Each graph cell in the panel can contain either a single plot or multiple overlaid plots.
The SGPANEL procedure supports most of the plots and overlays that the SGPLOT procedure supports. For this reason, the two procedures have an almost identical syntax. As with the SGPLOT procedure, options are available for specifying colors, marker symbols, and other attributes.
The procedure syntax supports four types of panel layouts: PANEL, LATTICE, COLUMNLATTICE, and ROWLATTICE.
The following example creates a panel of loess curves using the default PANEL layout. In the PANEL layout, each graph cell represents a specific crossing of values for one or more classification variables. A label above each cell identifies the crossing of values that is represented in the cell. By default, cells are created only for crossings that are represented in the data set.
Loess Curves
title1 "Cholesterol Levels for Age > 60";
proc sgpanel data=sashelp.heart(
    where=(AgeAtStart > 60)) ;
  panelby sex / novarname;
  loess x=weight y=cholesterol / clm;
The following example creates a panel of box plots in a LATTICE layout. The graph cells are arranged in rows and columns by using the values of two classification variables. Labels above each column and to the right of each row identify the classification value that is represented by that row or column. A cell is created for each crossing of classification values.
Box Plots
title1 "Distribution of Cholesterol Levels";
proc sgpanel data=sashelp.heart;
  panelby weight_status sex / layout=lattice
  hbox cholesterol;
For more information about the SGPANEL procedure and the procedure syntax, see SGPANEL Procedure.