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The SGRENDER Procedure

DYNAMIC Statement

Defines the values for dynamic variables in your StatGraph template code.
Featured in: Defining Dynamic Variables


The DYNAMIC statement defines values for dynamic variables that are used in your StatGraph template.

You can either specify variables on multiple DYNAMIC statements, or specify all of your variables on a single DYNAMIC statement.

Note:   If your template uses dynamic variables to specify required attributes, and you do not define values for those variables in a DYNAMIC statement, then the SGRENDER procedure might produce errors.  [cautionend]


DYNAMIC variable-assignment(s);

Required Options


specifies the values for one or more dynamic variables. The variables that you assign must also be declared in a DYNAMIC statement within the StatGraph template.

You can specify either a numeric value or a quoted text string. For example, the following statement defines one string variable and one numeric variable:

dynamic region="Europe" limit=3000;


Some special dynamic variables can be declared and referenced in a StatGraph template and do not need to be assigned in the DYNAMIC statement of the SGRENDER procedure:


represents the name of the library that contains the data set.


represents the name of the library member that contains the data set.


represents the complete BY line, when you specify a BY statement.


represents the name of the first BY variable, when you specify a BY statement.


represents the name of the nth BY variable, when you specify a BY statement with multiple variables.


represents the first BY value, when you specify a BY statement.


represents the value of the nth BY variable, when you specify a BY statement with multiple variables.

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