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Introduction to SAS/GRAPH Statistical Graphics Procedures

Introduction to the SGPANEL Procedure

The SGPANEL procedure creates a panel for the values of one or more classification variables. Each graph cell in the panel can contain either a single plot or multiple overlaid plots. The procedure syntax supports the following features:

The SGPANEL procedure can create several layouts, depending on the value of the LAYOUT= option. You can specify the PANEL layout, the LATTICE layout, the COLUMNLATTICE layout, or the ROWLATTICE layout.

The following examples show some types of layouts that you can create with the SGPANEL procedure.

[SGPANEL example]

This is an example of the default PANEL layout. In the PANEL layout, each graph cell represents a specific crossing of values for one or more classification variables. A label above each cell identifies the crossing of values that is represented in the cell. By default, cells are created only for crossings that are represented in the data set.

[SGPANEL Lattice example graph]

This is an example of the LATTICE layout. In the LATTICE layout, the graph cells are arranged in rows and columns by using the values of two classification variables. Labels above each column and to the right of each row identify the classification value that is represented by that row or column. A cell is created for each crossing of classification values.

[Example of the COLUMNLATTICE Layout]

This is an example of the COLUMNLATTICE layout. In the COLUMNLATTICE and ROWLATTICE layouts, the graph cells are arranged in a single row or column by using a single classification variable. A cell is created for each value of the classification variable.

For more information about the SGPANEL procedure and the procedure syntax, see The SGPANEL Procedure.

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