Graph Template Language (GTL)

GTL and the Output Delivery System (ODS)

The SAS/GRAPH Graph Template Language (GTL) is an extension to the Output Delivery System (ODS) that enables you to create sophisticated analytical graphics that are not available from traditional SAS/GRAPH procedure statements. For example, using the GTL you can generate Model-Fit plots, Distribution Plots, Comparative plots, Prediction Plots, and more.
The graphics produced by the GTL are generated by template definitions that control the graph format and appearance and specify the variable roles to represent in the graph display. The graphs can then be rendered by associating the templates with a data source.
  • The GTL templates are defined with PROC TEMPLATE. The GTL includes conditional statements that can be used to determine what graph features are rendered, layout statements that specify the arrangement of graph features, plot statements that request specific plot types (such as histograms and scatter plots), and text and legend statements that specify titles, footnotes, legends, and other text-based graph elements.
  • The GTL templates are rendered using the SGRENDER procedure, which specifies a data source that contains appropriate data values and the template to use for rendering the graph.
  • You can also modify predefined GTL templates that the SAS System delivers for use on the SAS statistical procedures. For information about modifying existing templates, refer to SAS/STAT User’s Guide.
This manual provides a complete reference to the Graphics Template Language. For detailed usage information, consult the SAS/GRAPH: Graph Template Language User's Guide.

A Quick Example

The data set SASHELP.CLASS is delivered with the SAS System. It includes data columns named HEIGHT and WEIGHT, which store height and weight measures for a small sample of subjects. The Graphics Template Language can be used to generate a histogram that shows the distribution of weight recorded in that data set:
Histogram Showing Frequency Counts of Heights
The following SAS program produces the graph:
proc template;
  define statgraph histogram;
      layout overlay;
        histogram weight;

ods graphics / width=450px;
ods listing;
proc sgrender data=sashelp.class
  • The DEFINE STATGRAPH statement on PROC TEMPLATE opens a definition block for defining a graphics template named HISTOGRAM. The HISTOGRAM template is stored in the template folder (also called the “template store,” by default located in SASUSER.TEMPLAT).
  • The template definition for HISTOGRAM specifies two GTL statements within a BEGINGRAPH/ENDGRAPH block: LAYOUT OVERLAY and HISTOGRAM.
  • The LAYOUT OVERLAY statement is one of the most fundamental layout statements. It can overlay the results of one or more plot statements, each of which shares the same plot area, axes, and legends. The layout in this example specifies only a single element: a HISTOGRAM with bars showing the distribution of observations of the data column named WEIGHT.
  • The ENDLAYOUT statement ends the layout block, the ENDGRAPH statement ends the graph definition, and the END statement ends the template definition.
  • The ODS GRAPHICS statement uses the WIDTH= option to set a width for the output graph. Because the HEIGHT= option is not specified, GTL manages the graph’s aspect ratio and set an appropriate height.
  • The ODS LISTING statement opens the LISTING destination for the output. The LISTING destination is open by default. However, explicitly specifying it ensures that it is active for this graph in case another ODS destination has been set in the current SAS session.
  • The DATA= option on PROC SGRENDER specifies SASHELP.CLASS as the data source for the graph. TEMPLATE= specifies HISTOGRAM as the template definition to use for rendering the graph.

Template Compilation

A GTL template describes the structure and appearance of a graph to be produced, similar to the way a TABLE template describes the organization and content of a table.
All templates are stored, compiled programs. The following source program produces a simple GTL template named SCATTER:
proc template;
  define statgraph scatter;
      layout overlay;
        scatterplot x=height y=weight;
When this code is submitted, the statement keywords and options are parsed, just as with any other procedure. If no syntax error is detected, an output template named SCATTER is created and stored in the default template folder SASUSER.TEMPLAT. No graph is produced. Note the following:
  • Any required arguments in the template must be specified. In this example, X= and Y= in the SCATTERPLOT statement must specify variables for the analysis, but no checking for the existence of these variables is done at compile time. (Unlike other SAS procedures, PROC TEMPLATE does not perform a compile and then run sequence, which includes variable validation.)
  • No reference to an input data set appears in the template.

Run Time Actions

To produce a graph, a GTL template must be bound to a data source using the SGRENDER procedure. The following example uses SGRENDER to bind the SCATTER template to the SAS data set SASHELP.CLASS, which is delivered with the SAS system:
ods listing;
proc sgrender data=sashelp.class
Graph that Results from a Rendered Template Definition
Generally, an ODS data object is constructed by comparing the template references to column names with variables that exist in the current data set. In the current example, SASHELP.CLASS contains variables named HEIGHT and WEIGHT. Because these variable names match the variables that are named on template SCATTER, variables HEIGHT and WEIGHT are added to the data object, while other variables in SASHELP.CLASS are ignored. (It is possible for a template to define new computed columns based on existing columns.)
After all the observations have been read, the data object and template definition are passed to a graph renderer, which produces an image file for the graph. The image file is then automatically integrated into the ODS destination. In this example, a PNG image is created in the LISTING destination. The visual properties of the graph are determined by the ODS style that is in effect.
Note: Template SCATTER is a restrictive definition: it can create a plot only with variables named HEIGHT and WEIGHT. A GTL template can be made more flexible by introducing dynamics or macro variables that supply variables and other information at run time. For more information, see Flexible Templates.