Working with Plot Properties

The Plot Properties Dialog Box

You can modify all of the properties of the plots and axes that are in a cell by using the Plot Properties dialog box.
Plot Properties dialog box
To open the Plot Properties dialog box, right-click in a plot and select Plot Properties. You can also click in the plot area and then select Formatthen selectPlot Properties from the main menu.
The Plot Properties dialog box contains the following tabs:
Tabs in the Plot Properties Dialog Box
used to edit the general properties of the plot or the cell containing plots
used to edit the properties of individual plots
used to edit the properties of one or more axes

General Properties

In the General tab, you can modify the wall color and border of the cell.
You can select or clear the Fill and Outline check boxes to toggle on and off the fill color and outline of the plot area. When the Fill check box is selected, you can select a fill color from the list box.

Plot Properties

About Plot Properties

In the Plots tab, you can modify the properties of individual plots. If more than one plot is open, then you can select the plot that you want to modify from the Plot list box.
The types of properties that you see vary depending on the type of plot that you are modifying.
Note: Based on plot settings, the initial value for a property might be shown as Auto or Group. This means that the value is derived from the original plot setting or from the group variable. You can later revert back to the original Auto or Group setting if desired.
If you change the properties, the settings that you specify override any style that has been applied to the graph.

Marker and Line Properties

You can specify the color, pattern, and thickness of a plot's lines from the list boxes.
Plot Properties dialog box, lines
You can specify the color, shape, and size of a plot's markers from the list boxes.
Plot Properties dialog box, markers
For markers, in addition to Auto or Group value, the initial value for any of the properties might be as follows:
  • If the MarkerColorGradient variable is defined, then Gradient is displayed as the current color value. The color list is dimmed, and you cannot change the color.
  • If the MarkerCharacter variable is defined, then Character is displayed as the current shape. The shape and size are dimmed, and you cannot change them.

Fill and Outline Properties

Plots such as bar charts and histograms use graphical elements that have a fill color. The Fill check box is selected by default. If you specify an outline for the plot, then you can clear the Fill check box.
When the Fill check box is selected, then you can specify the fill color and the transparency. Moving the slider to the right makes the fill color more transparent. (The other part of the plots, such as its outline, do not change.) The default value for transparency is obtained from the plot definition.
Note: The editor modifies graphics elements that have fill attributes, but does not manipulate data transparency. Therefore, transparency is not applied to lines, text, and markers. In addition, if data transparency has been defined in the graph, then specifying a fill transparency causes the data transparency to be ignored.
You can toggle the plot's outline on and off. If the Outline check box is selected, then you can specify a color for the outline.
Plot Properties dialog box for fill and outline

Contour Properties

Contour has different graphical elements, such as lines, labels, fill, and gradient based on the contour type. You can change the contour type.
If the contour plot includes an area, such as a fill or gradient, then the color can be reversed by selecting the Reverse Gradient check box.
If the contour plot contains lines or labeled lines, then the line properties are enabled and can be edited.
Plot Properties dialog box, contour plot

Surface Properties

For surface plots, you can edit the surface type, color, and transparency. Moving the slider to the right makes the fill color more transparent.
Plot Properties dialog box, surface plot
If the Gradient variable is defined, then Gradient is displayed as the current color value. You can change the value for the color. If you change the color from Gradient to some other color, then that single color is used for the entire surface.

Axis Properties

On the Axes tab, you can modify the properties of labels for all the axes in a plot.
For more information, see Working with Axis Properties.