Show and Hide Labels

For this example, select all the observations that lie outside the confidence band:
  1. Select the data label icon data label icon in the Graph toolbar.
  2. Right-click the plot and select Hide All. Hiding the labels makes it easier to see which data points to select.
  3. Press CTRL and click the observations that lie outside the confidence band. The selected data points display in the selection color.
  4. Right-click and choose Show Only Selected from the menu. Labels appear next to the data points that you selected.
  5. Click inside the graph again. The data points and their labels display in the normal graph color. Only the data points that lie outside the confidence band have labels.
  6. Select Formatthen selectStylethen selectListing from the main menu.
The revised example is shown here:
Labels Show Only for Observations Outside the Confidence Band
Revised Car Linear Regression Example