About Plot Properties

Overview of Plot Properties

ODS styles control the default appearance of the plots in a graph. The ODS styles are optimized to produce effective graphics without any changes to the default settings. However, you can override the default style settings by changing plot properties.
Plot properties determine features, such as lines and markers, that affect the appearance of the plots in a graph. These properties include the following items:
  • lines, outlines, and fills
  • markers
  • text
  • miscellaneous plot-specific properties
  • the plot area (wall) color for the cell

Properties That Have Auto or Group Values

Depending on the plot, the initial value for a property might be shown as Auto or Group.
  • Auto indicates that the value is derived from the selected style element. If you select a different style element, the Auto properties change. For more information, see Specifying Style Elements for Plot Properties.
  • Group indicates that the value is derived from the group variable if one has been defined for the plot.
You can explicitly change these settings by selecting a value other than Auto or Group from the list boxes. The attributes that you specify override the attributes that are derived from the applied style element. After you change a value, you can later revert back to the original Auto or Group value if desired.