About Classification Panels

A classification panel can be defined using a lattice or a panel layout. Both layouts are data-driven layouts that create a grid of cells based on one or more panel (or classification) variables. The number and layout of the cells is determined by the unique values of the panel variables.
Here is an example of a simple classification panel:
Classification Panel
simple classification panel
Here are the characteristics of classification panels:
  • You can define up to two panel variables in the designer.
  • All panel and plot variables must come from a single data set.
  • Plots can be added to a classification panel the same way they are added to cells in other graphs. When you add a plot to any cell of the panel, the plot is displayed in every cell. The plot is displayed with the appropriate subset of the data for the combination of the panel variables.
    Note: Ellipse plots cannot be added to classification panels.
  • When you change the plot data or properties in one cell, the change is applied to all the cells of the graph.