Benefits of Using ODS Graphics Software

ODS Graphics software provides the following benefits:
  • You can generate graphical output for your analytical procedures with virtually no effort on your part. Many SAS procedures use ODS Graphics functionality to produce graphs as automatically as they produce tables.
  • ODS Graphics software facilitates the production of commonly used statistical graphs independent of SAS analytical procedures. These graphs can be used for preliminary exploration of data and the construction of specialized displays for analyses. These situations require general-purpose graphical tools for the creation of stand-alone plots.
  • Regardless of your level of proficiency with SAS, you can use ODS Graphics software to develop a wide variety of graphs ranging from simple plots to complex multi-cell layouts.
  • Although ODS Graphics software was initially designed to facilitate the production of statistical graphs, its capabilities are also well suited for the production of non-statistical, business graphs.
  • The software components complement each other and can be used together. For example, the SGRENDER procedure produces output from templates that are created with the Graph Template Language. The procedure can also produce output from ODS Graphics Editor files. For more information, seeUnderstanding ODS Graphics Software Interactions .
  • Because ODS Graphics is an extension of the Output Delivery System (ODS), many familiar features of ODS for tabular output apply equally to graphs. In addition, graphical output has a consistent appearance. For example, the automatic output from statistical procedures can be combined with custom graphs from the ODS Graphics procedures to create a cohesive-looking report.
  • ODS Graphics software was designed with the principles of effective graphics in mind, including these features:
    • a variety of plot and chart types to handle many data situations
    • multi-cell graph layout capabilities that help eliminate the clutter that is often found in single-celled displays
    • attractive styles that emphasize the data and minimize the supporting items in the graph