Debugging Grid Jobs

When a grid-enabled SIGNON is used or a job is submitted by SASGSUB, the sasgrid script is used to start a SAS session on the grid node. To aid in debugging, the output from the script (but not the SAS log and SAS output) is written to a unique log file. The file is located in the GridServer/Logs directory of the machine where the job runs. If the job is successful, the log file is deleted when the job finishes running. If the job is unsuccessful, the log file is saved.
The log file is named using the format SASGrid.userID.hostname.process_ID.YYYMMDDhhmmss.log
The log file is not created if the job is run on a grid-enabled IOM server (workspace server, stored process server, or pooled workspace server), because these servers do not use the sasgrid script. These servers are started by the object spawner, so you must configure logging of the object spawner to debug grid-enabled IOM servers. For example, you can set the logger to TRACE and then review the object spawner’s log.