SASGSUB Syntax: Grid Job Arguments

The following arguments are used when submitting a SAS job or command to the grid. Argument values that contain spaces must be contained in quotation marks.


<-GRIDJOBNAME grid-program-name>
<-GRIDJOBOPTS grid-provider-options >
<-GRIDOPTSET> options-set-name
<-GRIDWORKLOAD grid-resource-names>

Optional Arguments

-GRIDJOBNAME grid-program-name

specifies the name of the grid job as it appears on the grid. If this argument is not specified, the SAS program name is used.

-GRIDJOBOPTS grid-provider-options

specifies any options that are passed to the grid provider when the job is submitted. You can separate multiple options with spaces or with semicolons. If you use spaces, you must enclose the option string in quotation marks. See Supported Job Options.

-GRIDOPTSET options-set-name

specifies the name of a grid options set to be used in job processing. This option is needed only if there is more than one grid options set associated with the current SAS Grid Manager Client Utility user. If there is only one grid options set for the user, it is used by default. A grid options set is a collection of grid options, SAS options, and required resources that are associated with a particular SAS client application and SAS user or group.

-GRIDWORKLOAD grid-resource-name

specifies a resource name to use when submitting the job to the grid.