SASGSUB Syntax: Retrieving Job Output

The following is the syntax for using SASGSUB to retrieve the output of a job that has completed processing on a SAS grid. Enter the command on a Windows or UNIX command line.


-GRIDGETRESULTS job-id | ALL -GRIDWORK work-directory

Required Arguments

Copies the job information from the work directory to the directory specified by -GRIDRESULTSDIR for the specified job-id or for all jobs.
-GRIDWORK work-directory
specifies the path for the shared directory that the job uses to store the program, output, and job information. The path cannot contain spaces.

Optional Arguments

specifies the directory to which the job results are moved. The default value is the current directory.
-GRIDCONFIG grid-option-file
specifies the path and filename of a file containing other SASGSUB options. The default value is sasgsub.cfg.
the path to the shared libraries used by the utility. This value is set in the configuration file and should not be altered. The path cannot contain spaces.
specifies that extra debugging information is printed. If this argument is not specified, only warning and error messages are printed.