SASGSUB Syntax: Submitting a Job

The following is the complete syntax for submitting a SAS program to a grid. Enter the command on a Windows or UNIX command line.


-GRIDAPPSERVER sas-application-server
-GRIDLICENSEFILE grid-enabled-license-file
-GRIDSUBMITPGM sas-program-file -GRIDWORK work-directory
-JREOPTIONS java-runtime-options -METASERVER server
-METAPASS password -METAPROFILEprofile-name
-METACONNECT connection-name
<-GRIDCONFIG grid-option-file>
<-GRIDFILESIN grid-file-list> <-GRIDJOBNAME grid-program-name>
<-GRIDJOBOPTS grid-provider-options>
<-GRIDPASSWORD grid-logon-password>
<-GRIDSASOPTS grid-sas-options> <-GRIDUSER grid-logon-username>
<-GRIDWORKLOAD grid-resource-names>
<-GRIDWORKREM shared-file-system-path>
<-LOGCONFIGLOC logging-option-file><-GRIDLIBPATH path> <-VERBOSE>

Required Arguments

-GRIDAPPSERVER sas-application-server
specifies the name of the SAS Application Server that contains the grid's logical grid server definition. This option is stored in the configuration file that is automatically created by the SAS Deployment Wizard.
-GRIDLICENSEFILE grid-enabled-license-file
specifies the path and filename of a SAS license file that contains the SAS Grid Manager license. The default value is "license.sasgsub" and the default location is the GRIDWORK directory. You must copy the license file for the grid control server to the GRIDWORK directory and rename the file license.sasgsub in order to match the default values for this option. This option is stored in the configuration file that is automatically created by the SAS Deployment Wizard.
-GRIDSUBMITPGM sas-program-file
specifies the path and filename of the SAS program that you want to run on the grid.
-GRIDWORK work-directory
specifies the path for the shared directory that the job uses to store the program, output, and job information. The path cannot contain spaces. This option is stored in the configuration file that is automatically created by the SAS Deployment Wizard.
-JREOPTIONS java-runtime-options
specifies any Java run-time options that are passed to the Java Virtual Machine. This argument is required if you are using a grid provider other than Platform Suite for SAS. This option is stored in the configuration file that is automatically created by the SAS Deployment Wizard.
specifies the name or IP address of the SAS Metadata Server. You must specify either -METASERVER, -METAPORT, -METAUSER, and -METAPASS, or -METAPROFILE and -METACONNECT. This option is stored in the configuration file that is automatically created by the SAS Deployment Wizard.
specifies the port to use to connect to the SAS Metadata Server specified by the -METASERVER argument. This option is stored in the configuration file that is automatically created by the SAS Deployment Wizard.
specifies the user ID to use to connect to the SAS Metadata Server specified by the -METASERVER argument. This option is stored in the configuration file that is automatically created by the SAS Deployment Wizard.
-METAPASS password | _PROMPT_
specifies the password of the user specified in the -METAUSER argument. If the value of the argument is set to _PROMPT_, the user is prompted for a password. This option is stored in the configuration file that is automatically created by the SAS Deployment Wizard.
-METAPROFILE profile_pathname
specifies the path name of the connection profile for the SAS Metadata Server. You must specify either -METASERVER, -METAPORT, -METAUSER, and -METAPASS, or -METAPROFILE and -METACONNECT. This option is stored in the configuration file that is automatically created by the SAS Deployment Wizard.
-METACONNECT connection-name
specifies the name of the connection to use when connecting to the SAS Metadata Server. The connection must be defined in the metadata profile specified in the -METAPROFILE argument. This option is stored in the configuration file that is automatically created by the SAS Deployment Wizard.

Optional Arguments

-GRIDCONFIG grid-option-file
specifies the path and filename of a file containing other SASGSUB options. The default value is sasgsub.cfg.
-GRIDFILESIN grid-file-list
specifies a comma-separated list of files that need to be moved to the grid work directory before the job starts running.
-GRIDJOBNAME grid-program-name
specifies the name of the grid job as it appears on the grid. If this argument is not specified, the SAS program name is used.
-GRIDJOBOPTS grid-provider-options
specifies any options that are passed to the grid provider when the job is submitted. See Supported Job Options .
-GRIDUSER grid-logon-username
specifies the user name to be used to log on to the grid, if required by the grid provider. This option is not required if the grid uses Platform Suite for SAS.
-GRIDPASSWORD grid-logon-password
specifies the password to log on to the grid, if required by the grid provider. This option is not required if the grid uses Platform Suite for SAS.
-GRIDPLUGINPATH grid-jar-file-path1...grid-jar-file-pathN
specifies a list of paths to search for additional grid provider JAR files. Paths are separated by semicolons and cannot contain spaces. This option is not required if the grid uses Platform Suite for SAS.
specifies that the job can be restarted at a checkpoint.
-GRIDSASOPTS grid-sas-options
specifies any SAS options that are applied to the SAS session started on the grid.
-GRIDWORKLOAD grid-resource-name
specifies a resource name to use when submitting the job to the grid.
-GRIDWORKREM shared-file-system-path
specifies the path name of the GRIDWORK directory in the shared file system relative to a grid node. Use this argument when the machine used to submit the job is on a different platform than the grid. The path cannot contain spaces.
-LOGCONFIGLOC logging-option-file
specifies the path and name of a file containing any options for the SAS logging facility. SASGSUB uses the App.Grid logger name with these keys:
App.Grid.JobID specifies the job ID as returned by the grid middleware provider.
App.Grid.JobName specifies the job name.
App.Grid.JobStatus specifies the job status. Possible values are Submitted, Running, or Finished.
App.Grid.JobDir specifies the job directory name.
App.Grid.JobDirPath specifies the full path of job directory.
App.Grid.JobSubmitTime specifies the time that the job was submitted.
App.Grid.JobStartTime specifies the time that the job started running.
App.Grid.JobEndTime specifies the time that the job completed.
App.Grid.JobHost specifies the host that ran the job.
the path to the shared libraries used by the utility. This value is set in the configuration file and should not be altered. The path cannot contain spaces.
specifies that extra debugging information is printed. If this argument is not specified, only warning and error messages are printed.