The following arguments
for the DS2TREE and DS2CONST macros specify non-default behavior and
appearance of the node and link diagram in the respective applet.
None of the following
arguments are required.
- ACTION=text
specifies the default
text that is displayed in a pop-up menu when the Web user selects
a node with the right mouse button. Selecting this menu option displays
the URL that is associated with that node in the NURL= argument. This
argument is overridden by the NACTION= argument (see Arguments for Data Definition). The ACTION=
argument is useful when you want to use a single menu text string
for most of the nodes in your diagram. The default menu option text
is Open URL.
- ANGLE=link-angle
works with the TREESPAN=
argument to determine the direction of growth for the diagram. The
ANGLE= argument is valid only when you do not specify the TREEDIR=
argument. The TREESPAN= argument defines the angular width of the
tree (narrow or wide layout). The TREESPAN angle can be visualized
as a V shape, with the starting node positioned at the base of the
V. The rest of the nodes are laid out between the spreading arms of
the V. The ANGLE= argument specifies the angle of the V shape. By
default, the value of the ANGLE= argument is zero (0) and the V shape
opens to the right, as if the letter V was rotated 90 degrees clockwise,
to the three-o'clock position. Values of the ANGLE= argument that
are greater than zero rotate the V shape counterclockwise away from
the three-o'clock position. Valid values for the ANGLE= argument range
from zero (0) to 360 degrees.
specifies whether
a border is drawn around the background area. The default value is
- CATEXT=default-text-color
specifies a default
color for the text in the diagram, using an HTML 3.2 color name or
a 6-digit hexadecimal RGB value. For DS2CONST, this argument is overridden
by the FNTNAME= argument (see below) and the NTEXTCOL argument (see Arguments for Data Definition).
- CBACK=color
specifies a background
color for the Treeview Applet. The value must be a valid HTML 3.2
color name.
- CHANDLE=color
specifies the color
of the Collapse/Expand handle on the nodes. The handle is represented
by a small plus sign (+) that is prefixed to the label of the node
when its subtree is collapsed. The value must be a valid HTML color
- CLINK=default-link-color
specifies a default
color for the links in the diagram, using an HTML 3.2 color name or
a 6-digit RGB value. For DS2CONST, this argument is overridden by
the LCOLOR= and LCOLVAL= arguments (see Arguments for Data Definition).
- CNODE=color
specifies the node
background color. The value must be a valid HTML color name. The value
specified here can be overridden by specifying a value for the NCOLOR=
- CNODE=default-node-color
specifies a default
background color for the nodes, using an HTML 3.2 color name or a
6-digit RGB value. This argument is overridden by the NCOLOR=, NCOLVAL=,
NVALUE=, or NSCBACK= arguments (see Arguments for Data Definition).
when the value is N
(default), specifies that the Constellation Applet is to use the NCOLOR=
and LCOLOR= arguments (see Arguments for Data Definition) to determine node and link colors rather than using the
color map.
- CSELECT=color
specifies a color for
nodes that are selected by the mouse or as the result of a node search.
The value must be a valid HTML 3.2 color name.
- CUTOFF=detail-percentage
specifies the percentage
of the nodes that will be displayed with node labels. After the percentage
has been reached, nodes are drawn as rectangles. The size of those
rectangles decreases as the distance from the starting node increases.
Valid values range from 0.0 to 1.0 (The decimal value is mapped to
a percentage from 0% to 100%). The default value is 0.5. See also
the DEPTH argument.
- DEPTH=max-path-length
specifies a whole number
greater than zero that determines the maximum number of links that
are to be displayed in the node and link diagram. Paths whose lengths
exceed the limit are truncated. This argument affects only the initial
display of the diagram. Nodes that are initially hidden can become
visible as a user selects nodes and navigates around the diagram.
Note that this value
is ignored if CUTOFF= 1.0. There is no default value for this argument.
- DRILTARG=target-window-or-frame
specifies the HTML
target or the name of the browser window or frame where drill-down
URLs are displayed. The default behavior is to open a new browser
window and reuse it for subsequent drill-down requests. Specifically,
the default value is _BLANK, which is one of several reserved names
for targets in HTML. The value can also be the name of a window or
frame in the Web presentation.
specifies whether the
applet will check for duplicate node IDs. The default value is FALSE.
When set to TRUE, this argument will cause the applet to update an
ID if a duplicate ID is found, instead of creating a new node with
the same ID. This enables you to collect node information from different
locations in the data set.
- FACTOR=fish-eye-distortion-factor
specifies the distortion
factor for the fish-eye lens. The distortion factor determines the
amount that the central region of the display is to be expanded (or
zoomed). The value specified must be greater than or equal to 1.0.
The default value is 1.0, which represents the lowest amount of distortion.
This argument is valid only when the value of the FISHEYE= argument
is Y. The maximum effective value (beyond which no further distortion
is visible) is variable depending on the number of nodes in the diagram.
indicates whether the
diagram is to be displayed with the fish-eye distortion, which displays
the central region of the diagram at a specified size and displays
the rest of the diagram as if it were mapped onto a ball, with the
nodes and links disappearing over a curved horizon. The Web user can
move the diagram past the central region by scrolling or searching
for nodes. The amount of distortion used in the fish-eye lens is determined
by the FACTOR= argument. The default value is Y.
- FNTNAME=default-node-label-font
specifies the default
text font for node labels. Valid values can be SERIF, SANSSERIF, DIALOG,
DIALOGINPUT, or MONOSPACED. This argument is overridden by the NFNTNAME
or NSFNTNAM= arguments (see Arguments for Data Definition).
- FNTSIZE=node-font-size
specifies the size
of the node label text font, in points. This argument is overridden
by the NFNTSIZE= argument.
- FNTSTYL=node-font-style
specifies the text
font style for node labels. Valid values are BOLD, ITALIC, and PLAIN.
PLAIN is the default value. This argument is overridden by the NFNTSTYL=
specifies a URL for
the image that you want to use in the background of the diagram. See
also the IBACKPOS= argument.
specifies how to display
the background image in the IBACKLOC= argument. Specify one of the
following options:
centers the image in
the browser window without resizing the image.
resizes the image to
fit the browser window.
fills the browser window
by replicating the image at its original size.
positions the image
without resizing at the values specified by the IBACKX= and IBACKY=
- IBACKURL=background-drilldown-URL
specifies the URL that
is displayed when you click on the background image. This argument
is valid only when the value of the IBACKPOS= argument is POSITION.
If you are including the Powered by SAS logo, then you must use this
argument to link the image to the SAS Web site.
- IBACKX=corner-coordinate
- IBACKY=corner-coordinate
specifies the x (horizontal)
and y (vertical) pixel coordinates of the upper left corner of the
background image. Positive values are measured from the upper left
corner of the background area. Negative values are measured from the
lower right corner of the background area. These values are valid
only if the value of the IBACKPOS= argument is POSITION. Always specify
both the IBACKX= and IBACKY= arguments.
specifies the appearance
of the node border line, using one of the following values:
show solid border lines
around the nodes.
show no border lines
or background.
show background but
no border lines.
show a border line
and background. This is the default value.
- NODESHAP=shape
specifies the shape
of the nodes. Valid values can be CIRCLE, DIAMOND, NONE, SQUARE, or
TRIANGLE. The default value is SQUARE. This argument is overridden
by the NSHAPE= argument (see Arguments for Data Definition).
the default value N
indicates that size information from the resource bundle is not to
be used for sizing the two dialog boxes that can be invoked from the
pop-up menu that appears when a user right-mouse-clicks on a diagram.
The two dialog boxes are the About dialog
box and the Mouse Help dialog box.
Specify Y for this
argument for languages other than English.If you specify Y, then the
height and the width of the dialog box frames are read in from the
resource bundle. This allows translators to set appropriate heights
and widths for the frames in the resource bundle, based on the length
of the message strings in each language.
when the value is Y
(default), specifies that the link weight values are to be scaled
into the range of 0–1, which corresponds to 0–100%.
When SCLNKWT=Y, the scroll bar in Constellation Applet displays a
percentage of the range of the link weights. When SCLNKWT=N, the link
weights are not scaled and the scroll bar reflects the actual link
weight data values. These values are real numbers that are specified
in the LVALUE= argument (see Arguments for Data Definition). The SCLNKWT= argument is valid only when the value of
the DATATYPE= argument is ASSOC. Note that the range of link weights
(maximum minus minimum) must be greater than 2 when SCLNKWT=N. Otherwise,
the scroll bar will not correctly map the link weights.
when the value is Y
(default), indicates that the link width values are to be scaled into
the range of 0–1. Specifying N indicates that the link widths
are already scaled into that range. This argument is valid only when
the value of the DATATYPE= argument is ASSOC.
when the value is Y
(default), indicates that the node size values are to be scaled into
the range of 0–1. Specifying N indicates that the node sizes
are already scaled into that range. This argument is valid only when
the value of the DATATYPE= argument is ASSOC. Node sizes are specified with the NSIZE= argument (see Arguments for Data Definition).
specifies whether initially
to display all arc lines between nodes. Specifying N suppresses all
arc lines. The default value is Y.
Note: This argument affects only
initial display. A viewer
can subsequently control which arc lines are displayed by right-mouse
clicking and selecting a
Show links option
from the pop-up menu.
- SPREAD=angular-factor
specifies the angular
spreading factor for the layout of the diagram. The value specified
must be greater than or equal to 1.0. The default value is 1.25.
- TIPS=Y | N
indicates whether pop-up
data tips are displayed when the cursor is positioned over nodes or
links or both. The default value is Y.
when the value is TRACKING
(default), indicates that the pop-up data tips windows are to move
with the cursor while the cursor moves within the area of a single
node or link.
- TREEDIR=C | D | L | R | U
determines the growth
direction of the node and link diagram using the following values.
grows the tree in a
circular pattern. This is the default value.
- D | DOWN
grows the tree from
top to bottom using center alignment.
- L | LEFT
grows the tree from
left to right and top to bottom.
grows the tree from
right to left and top to bottom.
- U | UP
grows the tree from
the bottom up using center alignment.
If the value of the
TREEDIR= argument is UP or DOWN, then the value of the TREESPAN= argument
is used to set the angular width of the diagram. The starting node
is aligned horizontally in the center of the applet. The diagram grows
out of the starting node based on the angular width specified in the
TREESPAN= argument. The wider the angle, the wider the layout of the
The TREEDIR= argument
overrides the ANGLE= argument.
- TREESPAN=angular-diagram-width
specifies the angular
width of the diagram in degrees. Valid values must be greater than
zero and less than 360. The default value is 60. For details, see
the TREEDIR= and ANGLE= arguments.
- ZOOM=starting-percentage
specifies the zoom
value that is used for the initial display of the diagram. After the
initial display, the Web user can change the zoom percentage dragging
the mouse up and down while pressing the Ctrl + left mouse button.
Selecting the Refresh button on the browser runs the applet and restores
the initial zoom setting. The default value is 100%. The initial diagram
can be scaled up with a value greater than 100 or scaled down with
a value less than 100.