Specifies the background color of the graphics output.
Used by: GOPTIONS statement, GDEVICE procedure, GDEVICE Gcolors window
Default: as specified in the Gcolors window



Parameter Values

specifies any SAS/GRAPH color name. See Using Colors in SAS/GRAPH Programs for information about specifying colors.


The CBACK= option is valid on all devices but can be ignored by some (for example, plotters). Specify the default in the Gcolors window of the device entry.
Note: This option overrides the Background and Foreground style attributes in the graph styles. For more information about graph styles, refer to the TEMPLATE procedure documentation in SAS Output Delivery System: User's Guide.
If you explicitly specify a background color with the CBACK= option, the background color that you select should contrast with the foreground colors.
If the IBACK= option is in effect, an image will appear in the background in place of the color specified with the CBACK= option.