After the first procedure
has been executed, you must construct the body of the GIF animation.
You can think of the body as all of the graphic images between the
first and the last images in the sequence. Specify GSFMODE=APPEND
in your GOPTIONS statement to suppress the header information and
to begin appending graphic data to the current data stream. The GOPTIONS
GSFMODE=APPEND statement must appear between the first and second
SAS/GRAPH procedures.
Note: If you use BY-group processing
on the first graphics procedure to generate multiple graphs, then
the output is automatically appended to the same GIF file. Thus, you
do not need to specify GSFMODE=APPEND for that first procedure. If
you do not use a second graphics procedure to append additional graphs
to the GIF file, you do not need to set the GSFMODE= graphics option
in the body section of your program.