Finds the color indexes that have colors associated with them
Operating state: SGOP


CALL GASK('COLINDEX', n, index-array, return-code-variable);

Required Arguments

numeric constant or numeric variable name; tells how many color indexes you want returned. If n is expressed as a variable, the variable must be initialized. The variable returns the number of colors currently assigned. If n is expressed as a constant, this value is not returned.
list of numeric variables into which the used color index numbers are returned. The list of variable names can be members of an array or OF argument lists (where the arguments are variables). If you are using an array, index-array must have been declared as an array. The dimension of the array is determined by the number of color indexes that you want returned. Refer to the discussion of ARRAY in SAS Statements: Reference for more information about OF argument lists.
numeric variable name; returns the return code of the routine call. The return code can be 0, 4, 86, or 87. See Return Codes for DSGI Routines and Functions.


The GASK('COLINDEX', . . . ) routine returns the color indexes that currently have colors assigned to them.