%DRAW Macro

Draws a line from (XLAST, YLAST) to the specified coordinate.
Variables written out: COLOR, FUNCTION, LINE, SIZE, X, Y
Requirement: You must run the %ANNOMAC macro before using any other annotate macros. For more information, see Making the Macros Available.


%DRAW (x, y, color, line, size);


x, y
specify coordinates for the end point of the line. Values can be coordinate numbers, numeric constants, or numeric variables. For details, see the Annotate X Variable.
specifies the color of the line using a character string without quotation marks. For details, see the Annotate COLOR Variable. Use an asterisk (*) to specify the previous value of the color parameter.
specifies the line type (continuous or segmented). The value can be a number, a numeric constant, or a numeric variable. For valid values, see the Annotate LINE Variable for the DRAW function.
specifies the width of the line. The value can be a number, a numeric constant, or a numeric variable. For valid numeric values, see the Annotate SIZE Variable for the DRAW function.


The point from which the line is drawn is usually set with the MOVE macro.