Generate the graphs, and store them in the SASUSER.EXCAT catalog. Generate a vertical bar chart, a horizontal bar chart, a pie chart, and a subgrouped plot.
proc gchart data=sasuser.class gout=sasuser.excat; vbar age/discrete hminor=0 subgroup=gender inside=freq raxis=axis1 maxis=axis2 noframe legend=legend1; run; hbar age/ discrete sumvar=height mean meanlabel="Avg.Height" vminor=0 raxis=axis1 maxis=axis2; run; pie gender/ noheading legend=legend1 percent=inside; run; proc gplot data=sasuser.class gout=sasuser.excat; plot height*weight=gender/ vminor=1 vaxis=axis3 haxis=axis4 legend=legend2; run; quit;