Procedure features: |
Sample library
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![[Scatter plot of sashelp.iris data set]](images/gtdscat.gif)
scatter plot examines the results of measuring the petal length,
petal width, and sepal length for the flowers of three species of irises.
The Scatter statement in this example relies on the procedure defaults to:
scale the axes to include all the data values
label the axes with the
variable's labels
divide the axes into three even intervals
rotate the horizontal plane 70 degrees around the vertical
tilt the plot 70 degrees toward you
display the plot with the default ODS style
goptions reset=all border; |
title1 "Iris Species Classification";
title2 "Physical Measurement";
title3 "Source: Fisher (1936) Iris Data";
footnote1 j=r "Sepal Width not Shown"; |
proc g3d data=sashelp.iris;
scatter PetalLength*PetalWidth=SepalLength;
quit; |
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