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The GTILE Procedure

FLOW, TILE, and TOGGLE Statements

Create a tile chart in one of the three display layouts.
Requirements: At least one numeric chart sizevariable and one TILEBY= variable is required.
Global Graph Statements: FOOTNOTE, GOPTIONS, TITLE
Supports: Drill-down functionality


The FLOW, TILE, and TOGGLE statements specify the type of layout, the variables that define the chart levels, and the tile sizes used to display the data. One of the following display layouts is required:


creates a chart that honors data order and can be read from left to right.


creates a chart that orders data by value, descending from left-bottom to top-right.


creates a chart that honors data order and can be read from left to right. When changing levels, the display toggles from one row to one column.


FLOW | TILE | TOGGLE size-variable TILEBY=(levels-variable) | (levels-list) variable list delimiter can be either a blank space or a comma </option(s)>;

option(s) can be one or more of the options from any or all of the following categories:

Required Arguments


specifies a numeric variable from the input data set. The values of this variable are used to determine the size of each tile. If the COLORVAR= option is not specified, then the sizevariable is used to assign a color to each tile.

TILEBY=(levels-variable)|( levels-variable-list)

specifies the variable, or a list of variables, that define the tile-segments and the chart levels. The variables can be character or numeric. Variable must be enclosed in parenthesis and you can use either commas or blank spaces as delimiters.


The options in a GTILE statement affect all chart levels. Specify as many options as you want and list them in any order.


specifies the midpoint value for the tiles.


specifies the color to be assigned to tiles when the COLORVAR= value is missing. The color used to identify missing values is represented by a missing color indicator to the right of the legend.



Alias: CMISS=
Restriction: Partially supported by Activex.
COLORRAMP=(color-ramp color-list)

specifies the colors to be distributed continuously across the range of data values. The three-color gradient legend provides a key to the value of the colors plotted on the chart. The legend label is the variable used to color the tiles. The legend displays the variable's minimum value, the maximum value, and the midpoint value. Two colors are required to create a color ramp; however, the number of colors that can be provided is not limited. These values specify the minimum, and the maximum values of the color ramp. If only two colors are specified, the legend midpoint is not be labeled. The delimiter can be either blank spaces or commas. All of the color-naming schemes supported by SAS/GRAPH are valid.

COLORRAMP=(cxbcd3aa cxae9aeb)

[Two color color-ramp]

COLORRAMP=(cxbcd3aa cx5f8e97 cxae9aeb)

[Three color color-ramp]

Alias: RAMP=
Style reference: Color attribute of the ThreeColorRamp element

specifies a numeric variable whose values determine the color of the tiles. The smallest value of this variable is assigned to the first color in the color ramp. The largest value of this variable is assigned the last color in the color ramp. Each value is assigned a color from the gradient list of colors between the first, and the last colors in the color ramp.




specifies the description of the chart. The maximum length for description is 256 characters.

The descriptive text is displayed as follows:

  • the description in the Results window

  • the description in the Table of Contents that is generated when you use the CONTENTS= ODS option

  • the chart description in the HTML file when the output destination is ODS HTML and DEVICE=ACTXIMG or DEVICE=JAVAIMG

Alias: DES=
Default: Tile chart of tileby
Restriction: Partially supported by Activex and Java.

specifies the number of levels to display. The valid values for the DETAILLEVEL= option are from one to the number of variables listed in the TILEBY= levels list. Each level has a unique outline. As you drill down through the levels, the second level lines are thinner in weight and lighter in color. As you drill down to the third and lower levels, the outlines are the same as the top level. The levels are listed above the chart on the left. The DETAILLEVEL= option does not affect the drill-down functionality.

DETAILLEVEL= Option is Omitted

[Detailleve= option omitted]

If the DETAILLEVEL=1, only the first level of detail is initially displayed. Only the details of the current level are displayed at any given point in the navigation.


[Detail level = 1]

Alias: DLEVEL=
Default: 3

specifies the number that corresponds to the level of labels to display. The valid values for the LABELLEVEL= option are from one to the number of variables listed in the TILEBY=levels list. The levels are listed above the chart, on the left. The LABELLEVEL= option does not affect the drill-down functionality.

If the LABELLEVEL= option is omitted, level 1 labels are initially displayed.

LABELLEVEL= Option is Not Used

[Detailleve= option omitted]

if LABELLEVEL=3, the third level labels are displayed. Once you navigate past the LABELLEVEL specified, subsequent levels display their respective labels.



Alias: LLEVEL=
Default: 1

specifies the name of any graphics output file created. The name can be up to 256 characters long. If the name duplicates an existing filename, SAS/GRAPH adds a number, or increments the last number used to create a unique graph name--for example, graph1.png.

Default: graph.png
See also: About Filename Indexing

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