Generate the vertical bar chart of production for each country. The PATTERNID= option assigns patterns by group value. The GROUP= option groups the bars by country. The SHAPE= option assigns the bar shape. The OUTSIDE= option displays the SUM statistic above the bars. The HTML= option specifies TYPEDRILL as the variable that contains the targets for the bars. The RAXIS= option assigns the AXIS statement that removes all axis elements. The GAXIS= option assigns the AXIS statement that removes the label. The MAXIS= option assigns the AXIS statement to the midpoint axis. The NAME= option specifies the name of the catalog entry. The graphics catalog entry name increments so the GIF files are named sequentially from COUNTRY to COUNTRY4. The DES= option specifies a general description that appears in the table of contents for all five graphs.
proc gchart data=country; format country $country.; by country; vbar3d year / discrete sumvar=megtons patternid=group group=type shape=hexagon outside=sum html=typedrill width=9 gspace=3 space=0 raxis=axis2 gaxis=axis4 maxis=axis4 name="country" des="Grain and Year Breakdown"; run; quit;