Generate bubble plot with second vertical axis. In the BUBBLE statement, the HAXIS= option specifies the AXIS1 definition and the VAXIS= option scales the left axis. In the BUBBLE2 statement, the VAXIS= option scales the right axis. Both axes represent the same range of monetary values. The BUBBLE and BUBBLE2 statements ensure that the bubbles generated by each statement are identical by coordinating specifications on any options in these statements.
proc gplot data=jobs2; format dollars dollar7. num yen comma9.0; bubble dollars*eng=num / haxis=axis1 vaxis=10000 to 40000 by 10000 hminor=0 vminor=1 blabel; bubble2 yen*eng=num / vaxis=1250000 to 5000000 by 1250000 vminor=1; run; quit;